Generating meeting reports for registration, Q&A, polling, and surveys

The Meeting usage report allows admins and hosts to collect information about registration, submitted Q&A, poll responses, and surveys conducted in meetings. If your Zoom meeting has registration, Q&A, polling, or post-meeting survey enabled, you can generate a report for further analysis.

If you want to generate a report on meeting attendance, learn how to generate the Active Hosts report.


Requirements for generating meeting usage reports

Table of Contents

Meeting usage report types

Registration report

By default, the registration report contains the following information of registered participants, but may contain additional information based on your registration settings:

When you generate a registration report, you can choose if you want to include all registrants, approved registrants only, or denied registrants only.

Poll report

The polling report contains the following information of participants that answered a poll question, depending on your meeting settings:

Note: If a poll is relaunched in a meeting, the poll report will only display the last poll occurrence. If you know you will need to launch the same poll twice and want both sets of data, consider creating a 2nd poll with the same questions as the original to avoid relaunching.

Survey report

The survey report shows responses for any post-meeting surveys.

Q&A report

The Q&A report displays questions and answers from the meeting.

How to access and generate a meeting usage report

Notes: To generate and view a report, ensure that the following requirements are met:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Reports.
  3. Click the Usage Reports tab.
  4. Click Meeting.
    A list of upcoming and previous meetings will be generated. You can search by time range or by Meeting ID.
    Note: If wanting a report for a webinar, select the Webinar option instead under the Usage Reports tab.
  5. In the From and To fields, choose the dates for the time range you want reports for.
  6. In the drop-down menu to the right of the time range search, choose the report type you want to search for:
  7. (Optional) Click Advanced Search to search by a specific meeting ID.
  8. Click Search.
  9. In the last column of the meeting you want a report of, click Generate.
    Note: You can also use the check boxes to select multiple meetings, then click Generate at the top.
  10. If you chose to generate a Registration report, select the registration type that you want the report to generate, then click Continue:
  11. (Optional) After the report is finished generating, on the Report Queue tab, download the report as a CSV file or delete it from the queue.

How to generate a poll report during the meeting

  1. Start the scheduled Zoom meeting that has polling enabled.
  2. As the meeting host, launch the poll.
  3. Collect poll responses, then end the poll.
    The basic breakdown of poll results will be displayed. To see exactly who voted for each option, you will need to download the full report.
  4. Click Download in the bottom-left corner of the poll results window.
    Zoom will open your default web browser and begin the download.
    Note: You may have to sign in to your Zoom account first.