Meeting Connector Common Questions

Q: What are the benefits of using the Meeting Connector?
A. There are 2 major benefits:

  1. Local traffic stays on your local LAN network; only 1 connection from Meeting Connector traverses the WAN.
  2. Maintain privacy for local LAN meetings as no video/voice/data traffic traverses the WAN/public internet.

Q. How many Meeting Connectors do I need?
A. Each Meeting Connector Controller comes with a Zone Controller and Multi-Media Router, and can support up to 200 concurrent participants (devices or rooms). If you need additional capacity, deploy additional Multi-Media Routers to support an additional 200 concurrent participants.

Q. Can Meeting Connectors be distributed geographically?
A. Yes. You can deploy a Meeting Connector Controller locally and distribute Multi-Media Routers (MMRs) to different regions; we recommend up to 4 geographic regions. The Zone Controller will centrally manage the distributed MMRs.

Q. How do the users know to use Meeting Connector?
A. You designate the host as On-Prem and the host will start the meeting on the Meeting Connector. The client on the host will find the nearest Meeting Connector when a meeting is started, while attendees will automatically join the meeting on that Meeting Connector.

Q. Do I need to upgrade the Meeting Connector?
A. Please see the release notes on Meeting Connector. You can upgrade by clicking on Check Updates and then Install Update on the admin web interface on the Meeting Connector.

Note: If you are running on version 4.3.36476.0327 or below, in order to update to the latest version, you will need to download and manually install the latest version:

Q. How much is the Meeting Connector?
A. The Meeting Connector is free to deploy for business or education plan subscribers