Frequently asked questions about Now Virtual Agent app

The following are answers to some of the most common questions or problems users come across when installing Now Virtual Agent.

This article covers:

Why am I unable to see the Install button page for the Zoom Team Chat integration?

If the Zoom Team Chat Integration > Installation page is not accessible, ensure that you have first installed the Conversational Integration with Zoom Team Chat plugin in the All Applications page. If already installed, you can also try repairing the plugin. You should also see a record for VA Zoom Chat Adapter Provider in the sys_cs_provider table.

What does the system log error message “Sorry, you don't have enough rights to install: no thrown error” mean?

You need the virtual agent admin role to install the integration.

What do these installation errors mean?

The browser URL contains sysparm_proxy_err_code=1

The user must have an admin role in the ServiceNow instance.

The browser URL contains sysparm_proxy_err_code=4, 5, 6

Check the system log for the message: Post mapping to datacenter failed. This is an internal error with the collaboration proxy authentication on our datacenter. Please log a high priority case.

The browser URL contains sysparm_proxy_err_code=7

Go to the message_auth table and see if a record exists for your account id (VA Zoom Chat Adapter Message Auth For_Zoom Now Virtual Agent_XXXXXX). Delete the record, then retry installation.

The browser URL contains sysparm_proxy_err_code= 9

The user installing the Zoom Team Chat integration does not have the admin role with (or not logged into) the Zoom workspace.

Why am I unable to link my account? (for example, I didn’t receive a message to link my account)

Check to see if there’s already a conversation record in sys_cs_client_adapter and sys_cs_conversation. Select and delete the latest record for the user. Then try starting a conversation again with hi.

Why is the Virtual Agent not responding? (for example, after linking my account, nothing happens when I type hi)