Importing keys and positions using a CSV file

Zoom Phone admins and users can import a CSV file to specify line keys and positions of supported desk phones. This feature allows you to create a CSV template for keys and positions, then import it to several phone users or common area phones, instead of manually setting the line keys and positions for each device. Phone users can also import a CSV file to specify the keys and positions of their desk phones.

Requirements for importing line keys and positions

Table of Contents

Available key types for CSV import

The following key types can be specified when importing keys and positions for a single user:

The following key types can be specified when importing keys and positions for multiple users:

How to access line key settings


If you're a Zoom Phone admin, you can access line key settings for phone users' desk phones or common area phones.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Users & Rooms.
  3. Click the Users or Common Area Phones tab.
  4. Click the name of the phone user or common area phone.
  5. Click the User Settings or Settings tab.
  6. In the Keys & Positions section, click View or Edit.


As a phone user, you can access line key settings for your own desk phones.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Click Phone.
  3. Click the Settings tab.
  4. In the Keys & Positions section, click View or Edit.

How to import line keys and positions for a single user

  1. Access line key settings as an admin or user.
  2. Click the Users tab, then click on the name of the user.
  3. Click the User Settings tab.
  4. Under Keys & Positions, click View or Edit.
  5. Click Manage Key.
  6. In the dialog box, click Set Key, then do the following:
  7. Scroll down and click Save.
  8. (Optional) Click Export to export a CSV file containing the key and positions currently provisioned for the user.
    Note: You can edit this CSV file and then import to edit the key and positions, or use it as a reference for formatting the CSV. For any keys you don't want to change, don't change the row in the CSV file.
  9. (Optional) Click Import to download a sample CSV file or import keys/positions using a CSV file.

How to import line keys and positions for multiple users

  1. Access line key settings as an admin.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Users & Rooms.
  3. Click the Users tab then Import.
  4. Click the Add Keys & Positions or Update Keys & Positions tab.
  5. (Optional) Click CSV Sample download a sample CSV with example fields/attributes and view acceptable fields/attributes. Learn more about the fields for line key settings.
  6. Fill out the fields in the exported CSV or sample CSV file using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel.
  7. Go back to the Zoom web portal and click Upload CSV.
  8. Select a CSV file to import.
    Rule checking will be performed and will provide any error messages if encountered.
  9. If the CSV is successfully imported, click Close.
    The keys and positions table in the web portal will be updated. These keys and positions will be added/appended to any existing keys and positions for those users.

How to import line keys and positions for a single common area

  1. Access line key settings as an admin.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Users & Rooms.
  3. Click the Common Areas tab then click on the name of the common area.
  4. Click the Settings tab.
  5. Under Keys & Positions, click View or Edit.
  6. Click Manage Key.
  7. In the dialog box, click Set Key, then do the following:
  8. Scroll down and click Save.
  9. (Optional) Click Export to export a CSV file containing the key and positions currently provisioned for the user.
    Note: You can edit this CSV file and then import to edit the key and positions, or use it as a reference for formatting the CSV. For any keys you don't want to change, don't change the row in the CSV file.
  10. (Optional) Click Import to download a sample CSV file or import keys/positions using a CSV file.

How to import line keys and positions for multiple common areas

  1. Access line key settings as an admin.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Users & Rooms.
  3. Click the Common Areas tab then Import.
  4. Click the Add Keys & Positions or Update Keys & Positions tab.
  5. Click CSV Sample download a sample CSV with example fields/attributes and view acceptable fields/attributes. Learn more about the fields for line key settings.
  6. Fill out the fields in the exported CSV or sample CSV file using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel.
  7. Go back to the Zoom web portal and click Upload CSV.
  8. Select a CSV file to import.
    Rule checking will be performed and will provide any error messages if encountered.
  9. If the CSV is successfully imported, click Close.
    The keys and positions table in the web portal will be updated. These keys and positions will be added/appended to any existing keys and positions for those users.