Pairing/Controlling Zoom Rooms from mobile app

With heightened avoidance of shared touch surfaces as people return to offices, as well as Zoom Room controllers not always being in the most convenient location, the Zoom mobile app can pair with your Zoom Room to provide some Zoom Room controls on your mobile device. This allows you to pair with the Zoom Room you are in, start or join a meeting, and control the Zoom Room all on your personal mobile device without having to interact with the local Zoom Room controller tablet beyond perhaps a tap to wake the Zoom Room. 

You can also pair the Zoom desktop client with a nearby Zoom Room, to start or join meetings on the Zoom Room. 


Requirements for Pairing and controlling a Zoom Room from the Zoom mobile app

Table of Contents

Pairing with the Zoom Room 

  1. Open the Zoom mobile app and sign in to your account. 
  2. On the Meeting  tab, locate and tap the Zoom Room pairing icon , found in the top-left corner of the screen. 
  3. Enter the Sharing Key, displayed on the Zoom Room display, and tap Pair
    When successful, the name of the Zoom Room you are paired with will appear above the search bar on the mobile app. 
  4. When you start or join a scheduled meeting, you will be prompted to choose to Join from Room or Join from My Phone. 
  5. Select Join from Room to have the paired Zoom Room join the meeting.
    Your mobile device will also remain connected to the meeting, but will have video and audio off. 
  6. From the mobile app you will have the following controls:

Controlling the Zoom Room on your mobile device

When controlling the Zoom Room from your paired mobile device, you will have condensed controls that mirror the main Zoom Room controller. The following controls will be available to you: 

Tap Unpair at any point to disconnect your mobile device from the Zoom Room. The Zoom Room will remain connected to the meeting until the meeting ends or someone taps Leave on the Zoom Room controller tablet.