OnZoom Host Public Profile URL guidelines

OnZoom Hosts can create a Public Profile URL to direct users to their Host profile page. Each Host can have one Public Profile URL.

Note: Take the time to create your Public Profile URL because it will be permanently linked to your OnZoom Host Profile. Once you have created your Public Profile URL and saved it to your profile, you will not be able to edit or change your Public Profile URL in any way.

OnZoom Host Public Profile URL policy

Each URL address is valid only while the Host’s OnZoom account is active, and may be canceled if the account is deactivated or removed from Zoom or OnZoom for any reason.

You don’t own your Public Profile URL and Zoom reserves the right to remove any content (in whole or part), including a Public Profile URL, that violates these guidelines, the OnZoom Terms of Use, our Acceptable Use Guidelines, or for any other reason at our sole discretion.

Public Profile URLs can't include or consist of:

Some examples of acceptable URLs: