Inter/Intra Office System

To reduce foot traffic or unneeded face-to-face contact, consider adding an always-active dual Zoom Rooms system either wall mounted,  cart mounted, or within a cubby in your office. Grouping together these office systems into appropriate groups will create a cohesive culture by creating a virtual experience within hybrid environments. Throughout an office environment, the window into another physical space can start a more casual conversation and virtual run-ins with people within your organization to create a sense of a smaller space and an opportunity for a walk-up meeting or hallway visit experience. 

Use cases:


Equipment List

All-in-one Display Options

Zoom Rooms for Touch Appliance Options

Note: a Zoom Rooms Appliance Bar can be paired with a Touch display with USB touch output to have the same experience

(Non-Appliance) Windows IoT Options

Display Mounting Options

Wall Options
Cart/Stand Options (Optional)

Cables & Accessories
