Using call delegation (desk phones)

Call delegation (also known as shared line appearance) provides an easy way for phone users to assign others to handle calls on their behalf. For example, an executive can assign calling privileges to their assistant, allowing the assistant can make and receive calls on the executive’s behalf.

The following terms are used in this article:




Table of Contents

Shared line labels

After setting up call delegation, the lines on your phone will be labelled as follows:



Note: You can customize the order and appearance of shared lines to help you identify them.


How to select a shared line

The delegator or delegate can select a shared line before making a call. Follow these quick start guides or instructions:


Go to the phone's home screen to see your own direct phone numbers which are shared lines. To identify who has access to these shared lines, see your call delegation settings.

Note: You can customize the order and appearance of shared lines to help you identify them. 





You can see all shared lines on your phone's home screen. The line labelled with your name is only accessible by you. 

Note: If you more than one direct phone number, your lines will not be labelled differently than the shared lines. You can customize the order and appearance of shared lines to help you identify them. 




How to make a call (delegator)

When the delegator makes a call after selecting a shared line, the shared line is marked as busy (usually indicated by a red icon or indicator light).


Make a call after selecting a shared line.


Go to the phone's home screen to see that the line is busy. This is usually indicated by a red icon. If your phone has physical line keys, the indicator light will turn solid red.





How to make a call (delegate)

The delegate can make calls on the delegator's behalf by selecting a shared line. The shared line will be marked as busy.


Go to the phone's home screen to see that the line is busy. This is usually indicated by a red icon. If your phone has line keys, the indicator light will turn red.





Make a call after selecting a shared line.


How to receive a call

The delegator and delegate will receive call notifications when someone calls a shared line. The call notification will indicate the shared line that is receiving the call.

If you have a phone with physical line keys, the indicator light will blink red.


How to transfer a call

The delegate can make or receive a call on a shared line then transfer it to the delegator:

Note: The screenshots below demonstrate a transfer from delegate to delegator. The same steps can be followed when transferring from delegator to delegate.

  1. Delegate: Make or receive a call then place it on hold using the call controls.
  2. Delegator: The line on hold will have one of these indications.  
  3. Delegator: Answer the shared line that is on hold.  
  4. When the call is finished, the delegator can end the call or transfer the call back to the delegate using the same process (place the call on hold then inform the delegate to answer the call).


How to transfer a call on a busy line

If another call comes in to a busy shared line, the delegator or delegate can answer the call and place it on hold. 

Note: The screenshots below demonstrate a transfer from delegate to delegator. The same steps can be followed when transferring from delegator to delegate.


Answer the call on a busy shared lined and place it on hold for the delegator.

Delegator (currently on a call)

Look for the line on hold that has one of these indications:

Tap the shared line or press the associated line key to answer the shared line that is on hold. The current call will be placed on hold. If you have one of these models, follow these steps:


How to view call history

Delegates and delegators can view all call history for the shared lines. If a delegator or delegate deletes a call history entry related to a shared line, the entry will only be deleted for the person that made the deletion. You can view call history entry details to identify the shared line.

See these quick start guides for instructions:


How to view voicemail inbox

Delegates and delegators can play voicemail messages left for shared lines.
