Accessing VDI statistics

In addition to accessing meeting and phone statistics during a meeting, you can view VDI statistics in the VDI tab if you have the VDI Client. Starting with release 5.10.0, the VDI tab is displayed when a remote connection is detected.

VDI statistics allow you to view various diagnostic information such as hardware or performance information, your VDI connection status, the proxy setting of a terminal, and the encryption level of an ICA channel. VDI statistics also allow you to gauge whether you are experiencing a network issue.

Requirements for accessing VDI statistics

Table of Contents

How to access VDI statistics in the Zoom desktop client

The VDI tab is only displayed when a compatible VDI plugin has been installed and detected in the remote client.

If you are using the Zoom meeting client for VDI and the VDI tab is not displayed, check your remote client to confirm you have a VDI plugin installed. The plugin version must be equal to or less than the version of the VDI meeting client. Group policies may also specify a minimum version of the VDI plugin that is required. Check with your local help desk for assistance.

For more information, please visit this support article on how to access VDI statistics in the Zoom desktop client.

Available statistics for VDI

Note: See our system requirements for recommended specifications.

Zoom Phone VDI statistics

The following two fields in the Phone tab are used to provide some information when the user is connected to a virtual desktop through a VDI Plugin.

Display VDI Plugin Status for error conditions

The VDI Client displays the Statistics view of the VDI tab when the client detects a remote connection (Citrix, VMware, or WVD) and there is an attempt to optimize the client over the virtual channel. If the VDI client does not detect a remote connection, the client will run in the same mode as the normal client. The VDI tab displays the status of the connection attempt and the current optimization state of the VDI Client, even if the client reverts to fallback mode. This provides users with the ability to view additional information about the VDI plugin's state.

VDI Connection Error Status

In the VDI tab, a VDI connection error line is located beneath the VDI Plugin Status line, displaying potential VDI connection errors.

VDI Connection Error Status values

There are four status conditions that can be displayed for the VDI Connection Error status line:

Dash indication

Similar to other UI instances where a dash is displayed, the VDI Connection Error status will display a dash if no errors are detected. The dash indication is displayed when the VDI Plugin Status line shows Connected

No plugin detected

If the connection over the virtual channel does not receive a response from the VDI plugin, the VDI Connection Error line will display Plugin Missing.

Plugin is less than minimum version

If the connection attempt to the VDI plugin succeeds but the version of the VDI plugin is less than configured as the minimum version (currently, Registry MinPluginVersion), the VDI Connection Error will display Plugin version less than Required.

Plugin is greater than client version

If the connection attempt to the VDI plugin succeeds but the version of the VDI plugin is greater than the VDI Client version, the VDI Connection Error will display Plugin version greater than Client.

VDI plugin version changes

The value of the VDI plugin version will be displayed even when the VDI Plugin Status line is Not Connected. The only time the VDI plugin version is not displayed is when the VDI plugin is not connected. A dash is displayed for that use case.