Viewing the Zoom Phone usage and adoption dashboard (New View)

The Zoom Phone usage and adoption dashboard contains overall call and SMS data for the entire account or specific site. For example, you can view the number of inbound and outbound calls and SMS messages.

Note: Do not use the dashboard to verify bill charges. To view usage data for a specific user or verify bill charges, access the Charge phone usage reports.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for viewing the usage and adoption dashboard

How to view the usage and adoption dashboard for phone calls

Note: The new view is based on a new call log, and the aggregation numbers might be different due to data structure changes.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Dashboard and click the Phone tab.
  3. Click the Usage & Adoption tab.
  4. (Optional) In the top-right corner, click Classic View for old data.
    Note: The New View is the default view.
  5. Click the Calls tab.
  6. At the top of the page, manage the dashboard's filters:
    • To change the period, click the date range in the top-left corner and select the start and end dates.
    • Click the Group dropdown and select a group to only display metrics for a specific group.
    • If you have multiple sites, click the Site dropdown to only display metrics for a specific site.
    • Click the Department/Cost Center dropdown, then enter the department's/cost center's full name to filter the data by entering the department or cost center you want to view metrics for.
  7. View the following data:
    • Total Calls: The total number of calls received.
      • Internal Calls: This is the total of both inbound internal calls and outbound internal calls received.
      • External Calls: This is the total of both inbound external calls and outbound external calls received.
    • External Calls: Displays the calls between external extensions and external PSTN.
      • Inbound Calls: Displays the total number of inbound external calls and the total amount of call time resulting from inbound calls.
      • Outbound Calls: Displays the total number of outbound external calls and the total amount of call time resulting from outbound calls.
      • Connected: When the call is an outbound call and the callee answers the call, it is referred to as Connected.
      • Unconnected: The call was disconnected.
    • VoIP Call Time: Total amount of call time resulting from internal calls.
    • Toll-Free Call Time: Total amount of call time resulting from toll-free calls.
    • International Call Time: Total amount of call time resulting from international calls.
    • Call Volume: Admins can enable or disable the following legends:
      • Inbound External Calls: The number of inbound calls received by external extensions.
      • Outbound External Calls: The number of outbound calls made by external numbers.
      • Inbound Internal Calls: The number of inbound calls received by internal extensions.
      • Outbound Internal Calls: The number of outbound calls made by internal numbers.
    • Top 10 Phone Numbers: Displays the top 10 phone numbers by the total number of calls. Click the Order by total inbound calls/Order by total outbound calls dropdown to filter by call type.
    • Top 10 Extensions: Displays the top 10 extensions by the total number of calls. Click the Extension Type dropdown to filter by extension type.
      Note: For outbound calls, even if a phone user selects a different caller ID to place the call, the leaderboard will display the Extension Type as User and the Number as the user's primary direct number (if they have direct numbers assigned).
  8. (Optional) In the top-right corner, click Export to CSV to save a CSV file containing the current call entries you've filtered.

How to view the usage and adoption dashboard for SMS

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Dashboard and click the Phone tab.
  3. Click the Usage & Adoption tab.
  4. Click the SMS tab.
  5. At the top of the page, manage the dashboard's filters:
    • To change the period, click the date range in the top-left corner and select the start and end dates.
    • If you have multiple sites, click the Site dropdown to only display metrics for a specific site.
  6. View the following data:
    • Total SMS Users: The total number of phone users with SMS enabled.
    • Total SMS Messages: The total number of inbound, outbound, and internal SMS messages received/sent by SMS users. Internal messages are the number of messages sent between SMS users in the account. These metrics do not include MMS messages (messages that contain an image) and team SMS messages.
    • Total MMS Messages: The total number of inbound and outbound MMS messages (messages that contain an image) received/sent by SMS users.
    • Team SMS to Call Queue: The total number of inbound and outbound SMS messages received/sent by call queues.
    • Team SMS to Auto Receptionist: The total number of inbound and outbound SMS messages received/sent by auto receptionists.
    • Leaderboard Top 10: Displays the top 10 extensions by number of SMS messages. Click the tabs to filter by message type:
      Note: The Total SMS metric does not include MMS messages (messages that contain an image) and team SMS messages.
      • Total SMS
      • Total MMS
      • Team SMS

How to view the usage and adoption dashboard for licenses

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Dashboard and click the Phone tab.
  3. Click the Usage & Adoption tab.
  4. Click the License tab.
  5. At the top of the page, manage the dashboard's filters:
    • If you have multiple sites, click the Site dropdown to only display metrics for a specific site.
  6. View the following data:
    • Total Phone Users: Displays the total number of phone users and the total number of Pro and Basic users.
    • Total Common Areas: Displays the total number of common areas and the total number of Zoom Phone common areas and other plans.
    • Total Numbers: Displays the total number of phone numbers and the total number of toll numbers, toll-free numbers, and BYOC numbers.
      • Toll numbers include BYOC toll numbers.
      • BYOC numbers include toll-free numbers and BYOC toll-free numbers.
    • Licenses: View the Zoom Phone licenses. Click the Sort by dropdown to filter by the current percentage of available licenses (Ascending) or current number of available licenses (Ascending).
      • Use the search bar to search for a license.
      • View the metrics for the following details for each license plan:
        • Available
        • User
        • Zoom Room
        • Common Area
        • Cisco/Polycom Room
        • Others