Canceling a Zoom subscription on Google Play

If your Zoom subscription is billed through Google Play, you may cancel it at any time, however you must cancel your subscription directly with Google Play.

If your subscription is paid directly through Zoom, please refer to the canceling your subscription article.

How to cancel from your Android phone

  1. Open the Google Play Store app and ensure you are signed into the Google account you used to purchase your Zoom subscription.
  2. Tap the Account icon in the upper right corner.
  3. Tap Payments and Subscriptions, and then tap Subscriptions.
  4. Find the Zoom subscription.
  5. Tap Cancel subscription and follow the onscreen instructions.
  6. You may be asked to choose a reason for your cancelation. Select from one of the options, tap Continue, and then confirm by tapping Cancel subscription.

How to cancel from a desktop browser

  1. Go to the Google Play Store on the web and ensure you are signed into the Google account you used to purchase your Zoom subscription.
  2. In the navigation menu on the left side of the page, click My subscriptions.
  3. Click Manage on the Zoom subscription.
  4. Click Cancel subscription.
  5. You may be asked to choose a reason for your cancelation. Select from one of the options, click Continue, and then confirm by clicking Cancel subscription.

Learn more about canceling Google Play subscriptions.
