Handing off a phone call to a Zoom Room

If you make a call using Zoom Phone, you can easily hand off the call to a Zoom Room. For example, if you're in a phone call using the Zoom mobile app, then walk into a Zoom Room set up as a phone booth, you can hand off the call to the Zoom Room to take advantage of a hands-free calling experience.

Note: If the Zoom Room has a meeting in progress while you're in a Zoom Phone call, you can invite the call to the meeting.

Prerequisites for handing off a phone call to a Zoom Room

How to hand off a phone call to a Zoom Room

  1. Sign in to the Zoom mobile app.
  2. Make or receive a phone call using Zoom Phone.
  3. When you're in a Zoom Room, tap More using the in-call controls, then tap Hand off to Room.
    Zoom will attempt to detect the room using direct sharing.
    If Zoom can't detect the room, you will be prompted to enter the room's sharing key, which is usually found in the top-right corner of the room display.
  4. Tap Hand off to This Room to complete the hand off.
    The phone call will end in the mobile app and move to the Zoom Room. Use the room controller to access in-call controls.

Note: If the Zoom Room is currently in a meeting when you hand off the phone, the room controller will prompt you with these options.