Archiving indicators

Zoom’s Meeting and Webinar Archiving solution allow account administrators to set up an automated mechanism to collect and archive meeting data to a 3rd party platform of their choice and hence, satisfy FINRA and/ or other compliance requirements. Only account administrators can manage what data is archived, what is displayed in the disclaimer, and enable archiving for specific groups as well.

Data that can be archived includes:

Requirements for setting up archiving meeting and webinars

Table of Contents

Types of archiving notifications

When a meeting is being archived, the participants in the meeting are notified regarding the same. These indicators are of three types, mainly:

In-meeting archiving tooltip

The archiving badge is present when any one or all of the artifacts (video/audio/meeting chat/captions/transcripts) are being archived. If Show archiving icon in the participant list is enabled, the archiving badge will appear beside a participant's name.

Upon clicking the disclaimer icon, you can view the types of artifacts being captured and archived for that particular meeting. This can be customized by an account admin as well.

In-meeting on-screen disclaimer for audio and video

Note: If in-meeting chat is the only item marked for archiving, then users will not see the audio and video archiving disclaimer when joining a meeting.

This message appears when a participant joins a meeting where archiving is already in progress or when a regulated user joins a meeting. Once prompted, the participant will need to consent to have their meeting data archived. Alternatively, the participant will have the option to leave the meeting as well.

If the account administrator has selected a voice prompt, then apart from the notification message, the user joining the meeting will receive a voice prompt mentioning that the meeting is being archived.

In-meeting chat notification

If in-meeting chat is being archived for a meeting then users will be able to view that message by clicking the Chat icon (if enabled) in the meeting.

Note: If in-meeting chat is the only item marked for archiving, then users will not see the audio and video archiving disclaimer when joining a meeting and will only see the above notification when opening the chat window.

Managing archiving for an account

Archiving can be configured for an account or user group, allowing administrators the ability to add information including terms and conditions for the organization, or more information including what the organization is archiving.