Using Admin Activity Logs

Admin activity logs allow account owners and other users with a customized role the ability to view changes made by admins on the account, specifically changes in the sections under Account Management, User ManagementChannels, and Advanced. This includes changes to Account and Group settings, changes in role and license assignments for users, changes to subscriptions under Billing, changes to Zoom Team Chat channels, and changes made to SSO configuration, including changes made by your SSO and SAML mapping configuration. They can also view changes made to audio conferencing plans, specifically countries and regions, as well as view the list of users that were deleted through batch user deletion.

Additionally, account owners and admins can review and export an audit log that contains a list of all admin actions. These actions where an audit happens are any time an admin views personal data and reports, shares recordings, exports data, and manages user activities. The admin activity logs will record the action, the admin, and the time and date. This feature is enabled by default.

Note: Changes done by users (including owners and admins) to their own personal settings are not reflected here.

Requirements for auditing admin activity through reporting

Table of Contents

How to use admin activity logs

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Reports.
  3. Click the User Activity Reports tab.
  4. Click Admin Activity Logs.
  5. Enter or select a date range.
    Note: The maximum report duration is 1 month.
  6. (Optional) In the search box, enter a target email to view its operation details.
  7. (Optional) Use the dropdown menu to select a category to only show certain events.
  8. Click Search.
    Admin activity will be listed including the time, the operating admin, category type, action type, and detailed information regarding the action.
  9. (Optional) Click Export to export the data as a CSV file.