On-demand recordings

Cloud recordings of meetings or webinars can be made on-demand and require viewers to register before receiving access. Recording registration can be customized with custom fields and manual or automatic approval. The link to access the recording will not change, but once the on-demand option is turned on for a recording, it will take viewers to the registration page, instead of directly to the cloud recording.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for using on-demand recordings

How to make a recording on-demand 

  1. Login to your Zoom web portal and navigate to Recordings.
  2. Click on the meeting topic for the recording that you would like to make on demand.
  3. Click Share.
  4. Click Share Settings, then check the Viewers need to register to watch option.
  5. Click Save.
    The recording will now be on demand. If the user visits the link to the view the recording, they will be required to register before viewing.

How to change registration settings

  1. Login to your Zoom web portal and navigate to Recordings.
  2. Click on the topic for the recording.
  3. Click Registration Settings.
  4. This will open the On-demand settings.
    • Approval: Select if you want registrants to be automatically able to view the recording after registering, or if you would like to manually approve registrants to view the recording.
    • Notification: Check if you would like to receive an email when someone registers to view the recording.
    • Other options: Check if you would like to show social share buttons on the recording registration page. This will include social share buttons for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
    • Questions: Click on the questions tab to adjust which fields are shown and required when someone registers to view the recording.
    • Custom Questions: Add custom questions for viewers to complete when registering to view the recording.
  5. Click Save All when done.

If manual approval is turned on for an on-demand recording, the user will be taken to a page letting them know that their registration information has been submitted. Once their request is approved, they will receive an email with the link to view the recording. If their request is denied, they will receive an email notifying them that their registration request was denied.

How to view registrant information

  1. Login to your Zoom web portal and navigate to Recordings.
  2. Click on the topic for the recording.
  3. Click View Registrants.
  4. The registrant information will be shown in three tabs: Pending Approval, Approved, and Denied.
    • Pending Approval: Check the box next to any users you want to approve. Click Approve. Check the box next to any users you want to deny. Click Deny.
    • Approved: This lists any users who have access to view the recording.
    • Denied: This lists any users who you have denied from accessing the recording.