Zoom Rooms weekly system restart

Zoom Rooms weekly system restart functionality will restart your computer weekly with the following conditions:

By default, the Zoom Rooms computer will restart on Saturday, but you can also select a day for the restart. 

Requirements for using Zoom Rooms weekly system restart

Table of Contents

How to enable the weekly system restart

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Click Room Management then click Zoom Rooms.
  3. You can use location hierarchy to enable this setting for a specific room or location. Click Account Settings to enable it for the entire account.
  4. Under Account Profile, find the Weekly system restart option and verify that the setting is enabled . If the setting is disabled, click the toggle to enable it. If a verification dialog displays, choose Enable to verify the change.
  5. From the drop down menu, select which day you would like the computer(s) to restart on.