Using Zoom's GitLab notifications integration

Zoom’s GitLab integration allows you to receive Zoom Chat notifications and messages from a chatbot relating to changes in your GitLab repos. For information about the GitHub notification integration, see Using Zoom's GitHub notifications integration.

Requirements for Zoom's GitLab chatbot integration

Table of Contents

How to install and configure GitLab Notifications

Install GitLab from the Zoom App Marketplace

  1. Sign in to the Zoom App Marketplace with your Zoom account.
  2. In the top-right corner, search for GitLab and click the app.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Confirm the required app permissions and choose Allow.

Note: If your admin has installed the GitLab chatbot, the chatbot will automatically be installed for you within the client.

Configure the GitLab Subscription through

After installing the app from the Zoom App Marketplace, you will be redirected to the GitLab Subscription page.

  1. Click Add a Subscription.
  2. Authenticate with your GitLab account through or through your private server.

Configure the GitLab subscription through a private server

  1. Ensure you have allowed unsolicited ingress traffic from to your private GitLab server.
  2. Obtain an Application ID and Secret from your GitLab account.
  3. In your GitLab account, go to Settings, then click the Applications tab. You will need to add a new application to allow Zoom to access your repos.
  4. Enter Zoom for the name and use the following URI for the Redirect URI:
  5. Copy the Application ID and Secret for use in a later step.
  6. Return to the GitLab configuration on the Zoom App Marketplace and click Add a Subscription.
  7. Click Authorize with private server.
  8. Enter your Server Domain and the Application ID and Secret from the previous steps.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Authorize with private server GitLab account.
    You will be redirected to your private server GitLab account.
  11. Choose Authorize.
    Your GitLab account will be configured for Zoom.

How to use the GitLab chatbot

Add a subscription

Once your GitLab account has been authenticated, you will be able to add a subscription.

  1. Click Add a Subscription.
  2. Enter the Basic Configurations:
  3. Complete the GitLab Configurations page:
  4. Click Save Configuration.
    Once complete, you will start receiving Zoom Chat notifications based on your configuration for each subscription. Repeat these steps to add additional subscriptions for projects and channels.

Interact with the GitLab chatbot

Once you have added a subscription, you will begin to receive chat notifications in the configured Zoom chat channel. You can also interact with the chatbot in a 1:1 chat. Enter help to receive a list of possible commands.

How to remove the GitLab chatbot

  1. Sign in to the Zoom App Marketplace with your Zoom account.
  2. In the top right of the page, click Manage.
  3. In the navigation menu, click Added Apps.
  4. Next to the GitLub app, click Remove.
  5. Confirm the dialogue and click Remove.

Data security

For additional help, please submit a request to Zoom support.