If you receive error code 1006028000 when you try to join a Zoom meeting or try to start the Zoom client, this means "release in processing." This can be caused by the following:
This article covers:
If your device does not have sufficient space, you will need to free some disk space to resolve the issue.
Check the firewall for restrictions and verify against the firewall in proxy settings. The firewall (specifically Palo Alto) may be blocking connection to certain IPs that Zoom uses following policy updates. For details, visit Zoom network firewall or proxy server settings.
Ensure that your internet connection is stable and accurate for communication. If your network connection is not working correctly, restart the modem or switch to a wired connection. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, contact your internet service provider for further assistance.
Switch to mobile data and rejoin the Zoom meeting.
In most cases, the antivirus installed on the device conflicts with some applications, causing some issues. You will need to temporarily disable the antivirus program and start your Zoom meetings again.
If any of the above solutions do not help you, uninstall Zoom from your device. Once Zoom is completely removed and uninstalled from your device, download Zoom from our download center and reinstall Zoom on your device.