Batch importing, exporting, or updating users on your Zoom account

You can add or update Zoom users by uploading a CSV file. You can also add users one at a time with User Management.

Additionally, this feature allows you to upload a CSV file to import a group of users. You can manage users by adding, changing, updating, or deleting user group information when editing users through CSV upload. 

You can also deactivate, unlink, or delete several users at once.

Requirements for importing or updating users

Table of Contents

How to import new users

Create a CSV file for users


  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click User Management then Users.
  3. Click the Users tab.
  4. On the right side of the page, click Import.
  5. Click Download CSV Sample to download a sample you can fill out.
  6. Open the file using spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel.
  7. Enter users' information following the CSV format.
    Each piece of information is a separate column.
    Note: The first three columns are required. Information in the other columns can be changed after importing users.
  8. Save the spreadsheet as a CSV (comma-delimited) file.

Upload the CSV file to Zoom

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click User Management then Users.
  3. Click the Users tab.
  4. On the right side of the page, click Import.
    Note: Depending on the features available on your account, you may have other columns available. Clicking Import will list the definable columns available for your account.
  5. Select the user type, license(s), and features to apply to all users in the CSV file.
  6. Click Upload CSV file.
  7. Click the CSV file you created, then click Open.
    Users will now appear on the Pending tab of User Management. They will receive an account activation email and will appear in the users' list after they accept the invitation.

How to batch export users

You can batch export of list of all current users, their Zoom license and add-on assignments, their role, and more.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click User Management then Users.
  3. On the right side of the page, click Export then All users in the table.
    This will export a CSV file of existing users.

How to update existing users

You can batch-update existing users by exporting a CSV file of users, editing it, then uploading it to the web portal.

Note: The formatting for importing users and updating users through CSV are different. Please ensure you are using the correct CSV template.

Bulk update user type, licenses, and other information

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click User Management then Users.
  3. On the right side of the page, click Export then All users in the table.
    This will export a CSV file of existing users.
    Note: This will export the users currently displayed. If you don't want to export all users, use the search box and filters to only display some users, then click Export.
  4. Edit the CSV file using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel so that the exported CSV matches the required CSV format.
  5. Go back to the Zoom web portal.
  6. In the navigation menu, click User Management then Users.
  7. Click Import.
  8. Click the Update Users tab.
  9. Under Select an action from the options listed below, click the dropdown menu and select Update users’ information (licenses and other information).
  10. Click Upload CSV File.
  11. Click the CSV file you created, then click Open.
    Note: If you're having issues updating a user's phone number, you have to manually update their number by accessing their profile.

Bulk update users' emails

This feature must be enabled by Zoom. You can update users with the work email login type or SSO login type. To bulk update users' emails, you must have the Bulk update email addresses permission in Role Management. Learn more about using role management.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the role permissions to bulk update email addresses.
  2. In the navigation menu, click User Management then Users.
  3. On the right side of the page, click Export then All users in the table.
    This will export a CSV file of existing users.
    Note: This will export the users currently displayed. If you don't want to export all users, use the search box and filters to only display some users, then click Export.
  4. Edit the CSV file using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel so that the exported CSV matches the required CSV format.
  5. Go back to the Zoom web portal.
  6. In the navigation menu, click User Management then Users.
  7. Click Import.
  8. Click the Update Users tab.
  9. Under Select an action from the options listed below, click the dropdown menu and select Update users' email.
    Note: If you are not signed in with two-factor authentication, you are required to enter a verification code sent to your email before you can proceed.
  10. Click Upload CSV File.
  11. Click the CSV file you created, then click Open.
    The request will be processed. If there are any errors, click the View Detail link in the banner for details about why the users' emails couldn't be updated. When the request is processed, users will receive an email notification with instructions to approve the email change request.

Required CSV format