Advanced Associated Domain configurations

Once your custom domain has been approved as an Associated Domain for your account, you can control the ability of users to create Zoom accounts and user profiles with emails that match your domain. This ranges from blocking anyone outside of your account from using that email domain (including new and existing users), to forcing users with that email domain to consolidate into your account or use a different email address outside of your domain for login.

This article details common configurations for managing your Associated Domain, how this affects users, and how they are notified.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for Advanced Associated Domain configurations

Common configuration settings and their effects

After your account has been granted an Associated Domain, you have access to three settings to control existing users with your email domain and the ability for users to create new profiles with your email domain. To review, those settings are:

When configuring the three settings available with an approved associated domain, different combinations have different effects on users and what they are able to do with accounts created with your domain. Below are a few examples and their effects:

Manage users with the same domain only

If you only enable the first option, Manage users with the same domain, then:

Manage users with the same domain and allow consolidation into this account

If you only enable the first two options, Manage users with the same domain and Allow users with the same domain to consolidate into this account, then:

Manage users with the same domain, allow consolidation, and new user sign up

If you enable the all three options, Manage users with the same domain, Allow users with the same domain to consolidate into this account, and Allow users with the same domain to sign up for Zoom, then: