Viewing Zoom Phone recording logs

Account owners and admins can access all call recordings of phone users or call queues. They can also share call recordings with a phone user and control whether phone users can access their call recordings.

Additionally, account owners and admins can also use Zoom Phone role management to allow users to access call recordings for specific users, call queues, or sites.

Learn more about sharing Zoom Phone call recordings.

Requirements for accessing and sharing call recordings

Table of Contents

How to access Zoom Phone call recording logs

Note: If a user, call queue, or common area was deleted you can still access their recordings and view when that user/call/queue/common area was deleted.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin or another role with the privilege to edit log settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Logs.
  3. Click the Recordings tab.

Filter recording logs


  1. Access Zoom Phone recording logs.
  2. Use the following options to filter data:

How to identify call recordings

How to manage call recording logs

Manage a call recording log

  1. Access Zoom Phone recording logs.
  2. Under the Recording column, click the Play icon to play a recording and view transcriptions (if enabled in policy settings).
  3. To the right of the recording, click Download to save the recording as an MP3 file.
  4. To the right of the recording, click the ellipsis , then click from the following options:

Manage multiple call recording logs

  1. Access Zoom Phone recording logs.
  2. To the left of the recording logs you want to manage, select the checkboxes.
    Note: At the top of the page, to the left of From, select the checkbox to select all recording logs.
  3. At the top of the page, click from the following bulk actions:

How to manage recording logs in Trash

Items that may have been deleted by users or retention policy will appear here. You can view the following information about the item's deletion:

Manage a recording log in Trash

  1. Access Zoom Phone recording logs.
  2. In the top-right corner, click Trash .
  3. (Optional) At the top of the page, filter the recording logs.
  4. To the right of a recording log you want to manage, click the ellipsis , then click from the following options:

Manage multiple recording logs in Trash

  1. Access Zoom Phone recording logs.
  2. In the top-right corner, click Trash .
  3. (Optional) At the top of the page, filter the recording logs.
  4. To the left of the recording logs you want to manage, select the checkboxes.
    Note: At the top of the page, to the left of From, select the checkbox to select all recording logs.
  5. At the top of the page, click from the following bulk actions: