Meeting won't launch from Google Chrome The Zoom client is launched through the Launch Application in Google Chrome. You may have selected "Do Nothing" while the "Remember my choice for all links of this type" option was selected, causing Chrome to remember to do nothing when this request is made to launch Zoom.
How to fix it
To remove this setting and allow the application to launch, follow the instructions below.
Close Google Chrome. Open File Explorer and navigate to C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Local\ Google\Chrome\User Data\Default Open the Preferences file in Notepad or another text editor. Find or search for "zoommtg" - this will be under "protocol_handler" > "excluded_schemes" - and remove the line: Save and close the file. Launch the Zoom meeting again.
Close Google Chrome. From the desktop, click Go then click Go to Folder... in the upper left menu. Search for ~/Library Click ~/Library then click Application Support then Google then Chrome then Default . Open the file Preferences in Mac TextEdit or another text editor. Find or search for "zoommtg" - this will be under "protocol_handler" > "excluded_schemes" - and remove the line: Save and close the file. Launch the Zoom meeting again.
How to clear the cache and cookies from a Google Chrome browser
If you have trouble starting Zoom on the desktop or web , joining a meeting , or signing in to your Zoom account , we recommend clearing cache and cookies in your device or in your browser. Clear the cache and cookies from the Google Chrome browser, then relaunching Google Chrome also fixes the issue.
For details, visit Clearing Zoom cache and cookies .