Troubleshooting joining meetings through Internet Explorer
Some users trying to join a meeting through Internet Explorer may see this error message: Cannot Continue. The Application is Improperly Formatted (Authenticode). If you receive the that error when joining a meeting or webinar using Internet Explorer, try to following steps to add Zoom as a trusted site and allow it to run.

How to trust Authenticode components
To resolve this issue, try the following steps:
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Select Internet Options under the Tools menu.
- Select the Security tab.
- Select Trusted Sites.
- Select Custom Level...
- Select Run components signed with Authenticode or select Enable.
- Select Ok to apply.
How to add Zoom as a trusted site
Next, add to the Trusted site list by following these steps:
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Select Internet Options under the Tools menu.
- Select the Security tab.
- Select Trusted Sites.
- Select Sites.
- Type under Add this website to the zone.
- Select Add.
- Select Close.
- Select Ok to apply
For additional troubleshooting, submit a request to Zoom Support.