You can manage your name, timezone, public page link, and phone numbers in the Zoom Scheduler Profile settings. You can upload and customize your profile image, which will also be your booking page logo for Zoom Scheduler. You can shorten the default generated URLs and customize your own Zoom Scheduler public page link (subdomain). Additionally, your phone numbers will be used to receive SMS notifications.
Any changes to your name or photo will only appear on Scheduler. It will not impact your Zoom profile.
Note: Users can manually override a Display Name or photo to revert auto-syncing to their Zoom profile. They must follow the default profile display name limitations of 128 characters and must not include special characters.
Profile Photo: Change or remove your profile picture:
On the Scheduler Settings page, click Upload Photo to change the profile image.
Select the photo that you want, then click Open. Note: The logo must be a JPG/JPEG, GIF, or PNG image file with a file size smaller than 2 MB. The image crop tool will appear.
In the image crop tool, resize your image.
(Optional) Click Change the image to upload another image.
After you're finished cropping the image, click Upload. Your image will appear on the Scheduler Settings page.
Click Save to apply the image.
(Optional) On the Scheduler Settings page, click Remove Photo to delete and revert the custom image to the Zoom logo.
Name: Enter your name, then click Update.
Public Page Link: Set custom bookable schedule URLs.
Under Public Page Link, enter a custom URL.
Click Update. Notes:
Your custom URL must be between 5 to 40 characters.
Your custom URL must start with a letter and can contain only letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and periods (".").
Your custom URL must be unique. 2 organizers cannot have the same custom subdomain.
Timezone: Use the dropdown menu to select the timezone that you want. You can also search by city for a specific timezone.