Bulk deploying Zoom Node servers

With the Zoom Node Bulk Deployment Manager service, administrators can deploy and register multiple Zoom Node servers and modules at the same time in batches. To take advantage of this service the initial Zoom Node will be configured as a Bulk Deployment Manager during its deployment and then used to provision the rest of the nodes in the environment. Once the initial Node server has been deployed and the Bulk Deployment Manager service installed, Node servers can be deployed from within the local Batch Deployment interface.  

Requirements for bulk deploying Node servers

Table of Contents

How to download the Zoom Node server

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Node Management then click Modules.
  3. Click the drop-down button , and click the desired module type.
    Note: A Node server deployed under a specific module type, can still deploy Node servers for other modules. 
  4. Download and deploy the Node image.

How to deploy the Zoom Node Bulk Deployment Management service

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Node Management then click Modules.
  3. Click the drop-down button , and click a module type.
  4. On the Services tab, click Add Services.
  5. Click Bulk Deployment Manager.
  6. Under Install on a node, select the server you want to deploy the service on.
  7. Under Internal IP, enter the internal IP configured for the service. 
  8. (Optional) Enable Use my own certificate if uploading your own crt file and private key file.
    Note: If you are using your own certificate, then you are required to enter a domain for the Internal domain.
  9. (Optional) Next to Internal domain, enter the prefix if Zoom is generating the certificate. 
  10. (Optional) Click Advanced Settings, and under the Forward SSL port, enter the port number you want the service to forward through, by default the port is 443.
  11. Click Add.
    The Bulk Deployment Manager component will begin the installation. Once complete, the Bulk Deployment Manager service status will be Running.

How to access the local Bulk Deployment Management portal

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Node Management then click Modules.
  3. Click the drop-down button , and click the module type the Bulk Manager Deployment service was deployed under.
  4. Click the Nodes tab, then Confirmed Nodes.
  5. Next to the desired Node server, click the More button .
  6. Click Local Bdm Portal.
  7. Log in with the password created when the Node server was deployed.

How to configure the Bulk Deployment Management service

Configuring the data center connection

  1. In the man menu, click Connection.
  2. Click Add Connection.
  3. Fill out the following fields:
  4. Click Save.

Downloading base images for deployment.

  1. In the man menu, click Base Image.
  2. Next to the desired image, click Download.
    The base images will begin downloading to the Node server. Once the downloads are complete, the Bulk Deployment Service is ready for use. 

How to bulk deploy Node servers

  1. In the man menu, click Zoom Node.
  2. Click Batch Add Zoom Nodes.
  3. Under Basic Information, fill out the following fields:
  4. Under Deployment Information, fill out the following fields:
  5. Under Network Settings, fill out the following fields:
  6. Under Advanced Settings, fill out the following fields:
  7. (Optional) Click Save as Draft to save the configuration as a template. 
  8. Click Next.
  9. Confirm the details of the deployment.
  10. Click Deploy
  11. In the main menu, click Zoom Node to view the progress of the deployments.

How to register bulk deployed servers

Due to the registration code used to register the deployed servers will add the nodes under that specific module. If node servers from the same batch will be deployed for multiple modules, a registration code will need to be retrieved for each module type and applied to the designated servers. 

Retrieving the registration code

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Node Management then click Modules.
  3. Click the drop-down button , and click the desired module type.
  4. Click the Nodes tab.
  5. Click Add Nodes.
  6. (Optional) Set the time for the Code Expiration in minutes. 
  7. Click Generate Code.

Registering an individual server

  1. In the main menu, click Zoom Node.
  2. Next to the desired Node server, click Register.
  3. Paste the registration code retrieved from the previous steps.
  4. Click Register.
  5. The registration process will run, and once complete, a successful message will displayed in the log.
  6. Return to the Zoom web portal, and under the Nodes tab, click Unconfirmed Nodes.
    The newly added server will be listed under Unconfirmed Nodes.
  7. Click Confirm, to authorize and complete the server registration.
  8. In the next window enter the following information:
  9. Click Confirm.

Bulk registering Node servers

  1. Select the checkbox for the desired Node servers.
  2. Click Register Servers
  3. Paste the registration code retrieved from the previous steps.
  4. Click Register.
  5. The registration process will run, and once complete, a successful message will displayed in the log.
  6. Return to the Zoom web portal, and under the Nodes tab, click Unconfirmed Nodes.
    The newly added servers will be listed under Unconfirmed Nodes.
  7. For each new Node server:
    1. Click Confirm, to authorize and complete the server registration.
    2. In the next window enter the following information:
    3. Description: Description of the Node.
    4. Location: The location of the server, which should be listed in a way to easily filter in the Nodes tab.
  8. Click Confirm.