Using the Remote Control App for Zoom Contact Center

Zoom Contact Center agents can use the remote control app through the Zoom Web App to remotely control an end user's computer. This enables agents to see the end user's screen while also doing remote control actions at the same time. Consumers will be required to install an app and grant the agent permission to start the remote control session, which will be available on the Zoom Download page.

Agents can also control the User Account Control (UAC) prompt that may be displayed by Windows during a support session. Agent interactions include viewing and entering their admin username and password to execute their support operations.

Additionally, Zoom Contact Center provides you with the option to set configuration policies for the remote control app, enhancing access security.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for using the Remote Control app for Zoom Contact Center

Admin (enabling or disabling Remote Control)



How to enable or disable the Remote Control app for Zoom Contact Center

Account-level settings (Preferences)

Zoom Contact Center admins can enable or disable Remote Control at the account or queue level.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Preferences.
  3. Click the Account tab.
  4. Under Voice and Video Engagements, click the Remote Control toggle to enable or disable it.
  5. If a verification dialog appears, click Enable or Disable to verify the change.
  6. (Optional) If you want to prevent users in the account from changing this setting, click the lock icon, and then click Lock to confirm the setting.
  7. If an admin wants to prevent users from deleting the app, they can check the Disable auto-delete for consumers after the video ends option. When selected, users will see a Delete the app after the video call checkbox in the remote control modal. If chosen, users will then have the option to either keep the app on their machine or remove it after the Remote Control session has ended.


  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Queues.
  3. Find and click the queue you want to enable Remote Control for.
  4. Click the Policy tab.
  5. Click the Remote Control toggle to enable or disable it.
  6. If a verification dialog appears, click Enable or Disable to verify the change.
  7. If an admin wants to prevent users from deleting the app, they can check the Disable auto-delete for consumers after the video ends option. When selected, users will see a Delete the app after the video call checkbox in the remote control modal. If chosen, users will then have the option to either keep the app on their machine or remove it after the Remote Control session has ended.

How to use the Remote Control app as an agent

Once enabled by a Zoom Contact Center admin, agents can use Remote Control in the Zoom Web App.

  1. Sign in to Zoom Client.
  2. Click the Contact Center tab.
  3. Agent has accepted an inbound video call from a user.
  4. Make an outbound video call using the Zoom Contact Center.
  5. In the In-Video call toolbar, click the Remote Control, then Start Control.
    A message prompt will appear to the consumer to screen share. The user is required to share their entire screen for the Remote Control experience to work.
  6. Once the entire screen is shared click Request Remote Control.
    A message prompt will appear on the user’s screen.
  7. Ask the user to click Download.
    1. If the user has the Remote Control app previously installed then ask them to select the Open App link on the modal.
    2. If the user has the option to keep the app, ask them whether they would like to keep or delete it. To delete the app, the user must select the Delete the app after the video call checkbox on the remote control modal.
  8. Walk the user through the steps of downloading the Remote Control app.
  9. Once the Remote Control app is successfully installed then the user must select Open App in the modal on their screen.
  10. After the app is opened successfully a message will display to the user advising that the agent is controlling their screen.

How to set policy configuration

You can define a policy that allows only agents from specified accounts to perform a remote control session. Simply configure the account ID in the Windows registry. After configuration, only the specified accounts will be able to connect for a remote control session.

Note: Enabling policy configuration enhances access security;however, it is optional.

  1. Obtain the account ID:
    1. Find  the account ID using the user's email account in the Zoom Meeting OP page.
  2. Policy Configuration in Windows Registry:
    1. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Zoom\ZoomRemoteControl in the registry. (If ZoomRemoteControl doesn't exist under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Zoom, you need to create it.)
    2. Create a SetAccountIDsRestrictedToRunAsAdmin string value key under ZoomRemoteControl.
    3. Add the account ID for SetAccountIDsRestrictedToRunAsAdmin. (Separate multiple account IDs with the "&" character.).
      Note: If SetAccountIDsRestrictedToRunAsAdmin is null, it permits everyone to run as admin.