Zoom Team Chat Migration app mapping

The Zoom Team Chat Migration app (Slack migration tool) is a self-service tool in the Zoom App Marketplace that provides end-to-end (E2E) migration of Slack chat history and data for users migrating from Slack to Zoom Team Chat. This tool can help users migrate Slack data and consolidate multiple Slack Workspaces into one Zoom account.

Note: All users in your Zoom account must be active with licensing ready for chat messaging history migration.

Requirements for Zoom Slack Migration app

Table of Contents

Zoom Team Chat features

Text Messages, Threaded Replies, Reactions, URL LinksXMaps to the closest emoji if not an exact match.
Reactions, images, audio and video messagesX 
Original Date and Time StampX 
Pinned messagesXIf a channel has multiple pinned messages, the most recent message will be pinned, and the rest of the pinned messages will be available as historical pins in the channel menu.
Guest/External User LabelsXMarked with External label.
Channel OwnerXSlack channel managers become Team Chat channel owners.
Migrating users, usernames, and profiles Ensure all users are active in Zoom before a migration job.
Workflows, Apps, Webhooks, Bots, and Integrations Migrate all channels with a short historical timeframe. Build out apps, bots, and integrations.

View Slack features in Zoom Team Chat

We recommend translating features from Slack to Team Chat and where they are located with their new names or phrases. Here are some items to consider:

SlackTeam Chat
Features under Slack Channel Name: Members, Files, Channel NotificationsMore Actions in Right-Hand Pane: Members, Files, Channel Notifications
Split-pane ViewOpen in a new window
Creating and Arranging SectionsCreate and Organize Folders (drag-n-drop)
User Groups, @hereMention Groups and/or Zoom Groups
Channel ManagerChannel Owner + Channel Admins
Saved Items / Later sectionBookmarked Messages
Unread Message section, Threads sectionActivity Center
Forward messageShare Message

Additional resources

Learn more about Zoom Team Chat by using the following resources:

Learn more about the Zoom Team Chat Migration app by viewing the following articles: