Using Provision Templates for Zoom Phone Appliances


Configuration templates allow Zoom Phone administrators to customize desk phone settings by creating templates with custom settings that can be applied to the entire account or to individual desk phones. You can easily modify, reassign, and delete configuration templates, and you can use key-value pairs to specify settings in configuration templates.



This article covers:

Prerequisites for using provision templates

Limitations of provision templates

Parameter formatting examples

Make sure you follow these formatting rules exactly as specified. Each desk phone manufacturer has a different format for key-value pairs.

The following example shows the required format for the GUI language parameter:

Supported parameters

For detailed specification of all parameters, visit the support site of the phone manufacturer:

How to add a configuration template

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Click Device Management, then Device List.
  3. Click Account Settings and select Zoom Phone Appliance.
  4. Find Provision Template and click Manage
  5. Enter the following information:

How to assign configuration templates to provisioned Zoom Phone Appliances

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Click Device Management then Device List.
  3. Find the Zoom Phone Appliance to which you want to assign a template.
  4. Click the ellipsis icon in the rightmost column, then click Bind Provision Template.
    Note: You can assign only one configuration template to each Zoom Phone Appliance.
  5. In the Target template drop-down menu, select the template you want to assign and click Bind.
  6. Resync now or manually restart later to apply the assigned configuration template.

How to edit or delete an assigned configuration template

If you have assigned a configuration template to a machine that has changed or deleted an assigned configuration template, follow these steps to assign a different template or delete the current template.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Click Device Management then Device List.
  3. Click Account Settings and select Zoom Phone Appliance.
  4. Find Provision Template and click manage
  5. Click template name to enter the editing page, then click Edit.
  6. Click the ellipsis  on the far right of each template and click Delete.
    If there is a device bound to the template edited/deleted this time, the changes will take effect after the next restart.