Zoom Contact Center email controls

Agents with a Zoom Contact Center Premium or Elite package can accept inbound email engagements and use email controls to interact with consumers via email.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for using email controls

Email notifications

How to access Zoom Contact Center email controls

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.
  2. Receive an email engagement.
    When viewing the email engagement, you will have access to email controls.
    • Agents can view assigned email engagements in the Active section in the Zoom
    • Marking an engagement as Awaiting Reply makes the engagement inactive and moves it to the bottom of the Active list tagged as such.
    • Supervisors can see Active Engagements > Email, sort by Status/Time In, and perform actions like viewing or copying engagement IDs.

Center panel

Right-side panel

The right-side panel contains the Profile and Engagement tabs.