Using Zoom Contact Center AI Expert Assist features

Zoom AI Expert Assist provides agents with AI-powered tools to efficiently resolve customer issues. This article explains how agents can use AI Expert Assist features.

The core features that are currently available to agents include:

This article covers:

Prerequisites for using AI Expert Assist features

How to use Information Retrieval

Information Retrieval gets customer information from third party systems at the right time, eliminating the need for the agent to access multiple systems.

  1. During an active voice or messaging engagement, AI Expert Assist will display the AI Expert Assist icon next to the relevant message if it recognizes an intent match and the confidence is above the threshold set by the admin.
  2. The Information Retrieval details will automatically load in the AI Expert Assist tab. The agent can also click the icon to scroll to it.
  3. If there is additional input needed (and this data is associated with an entity), AI Expert Assist may be able to automatically recognize it and pull it into the correct input field. Click Find Details to execute the API call. 
    Note: Make sure you verify the data that is auto-populated. In addition, you can manually search for available information retrievals by doing a search in the search bar.

How to use Knowledge Base (KB) Retrieval

Knowledge Base (KB) Retrieval automatically searches the knowledge base at the appropriate time to see if there is a matching article and surfaces that article to the agent so that the agent does not have to manually search for the article. If they do decide that they need to do a manual KB search, the search bar will be equipped with auto-complete so that it’ll be easier to find what they are looking for.

  1. During an active voice or messaging engagement, AI Expert Assist will automatically load up to 3 relevant knowledge base articles that meet the threshold set by your admin. Click the icon to re-center the results in the AI Expert Assist window.
  2. Click View Full Article to visit the full article, or click Copy Link to copy the article’s URL.

How to use Next Best Actions

Next Best Actions enable agents to receive recommended next steps when the specific conditions are met. It aims to empower agents with real-time, personalized guidance during critical scenarios, enhancing business outcomes. These recommendations are triggered based on the ongoing conversations between agents and customers across voice and messaging channels. 

  1. During an active voice or messaging engagement, AI Expert Assist will display suggestions on responses, troubleshooting steps, and next actions based on customer context during interactions.
  2. Click your desired recommendation to use it in your response.

How to use Recommended dispositions

When an engagement ends, the agent will go into wrap-up mode. During wrap-up mode AI Expert Assist will automatically set the disposition of the engagement so that the agent does not have to manually set it. The agent can review the recommended disposition and edit before saving the disposition. 

  1. After a voice or messaging engagement has ended, AI Expert Assist automatically suggests the relevant disposition for the engagement based on the conversation.
  2. If the suggested disposition is incorrect, click the Disposition drop-down and select the correct disposition before completing the wrap up.
  3. Click Save and close engagement.

How to use Smart Notes

Smart Notes feature uses generative AI to create a concise summary of the agent’s engagement with the customer. This saves time on after call work (ACW) for agents who now can accept the generated summary or do some light editing before publishing it.

  1. After a voice or messaging engagement (web chat or in-app) has ended, click the Engagement tab in the right-side panel.
  2. Click Generate Smart Note.
    AI Expert Assist will generate a summary and populate it in the Add Note section.
    Note: You can only generate a summary up to 3 times per engagement.
  3. Make edits to the generated note to ensure accuracy.
  4. Click Publish.

How to use Real-time language translation

Real-time language translation enables agents to automatically translate all inbound messages to their preferred language and translate all outbound messages to consumer's preferred language, thereby enabling ongoing translation assistance for agents/supervisors.

  1. When a consumer sends their first message, the system will automatically detect the language of the consumer's message.
  2. If the consumer's message language is different from your preferred language, a banner notification will appear at the top of your chat window. 
  3. Click the Start Translation button to initiate the translation of incoming messages into your preferred language.
    The system will automatically translate your outbound message into the consumer's language.