Release notes for Visitor Management

Zoom provides up-to-date release notes for Visitor Management. This article contains information about recent changes to Visitor Management, including new and enhanced features, updates to existing features, and bug fixes. In addition, you can find information about upcoming changes (if available) and see a full history of updates made in the last two years.

Note: API release notes only appear on the Zoom Marketplace website.

Upcoming release

Details about upcoming releases will be posted as they become available.

March 24, 2025

New, enhanced, and changed features

TypeFeature titleDescriptionPlatforms
Admin features
New or enhanced featureMail and package delivery managementAccount owners and delivery management admins can manage incoming deliveries using an integrated scanning system that captures package details and logs arrival information. The delivery management system allows admins to view comprehensive lists of packages by location, monitor pickup status, and manage recipient notifications. Users with Visitor Management licenses can receive delivery alerts and access their delivery status. Optional Zoom Room kiosk functionality enables package pickup using signature or photo. This solution helps organizations maintain records of mail and package deliveries while ensuring timely recipient notifications. Web portal

March 17, 2025

New, enhanced, and changed features

TypeFeature titleDescriptionPlatforms
Admin features
New or enhanced featureSupport for visitor data retention policyAccount owners and admins can configure a retention policy to automatically delete visitor information after a specified period. The retention period can be set to 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, or 36 months through a dropdown menu in the admin settings. Once the retention period expires, the system automatically removes the stored visitor data. The default retention is 24 months. Web portal
New or enhanced featureEnhancements to visitor badge customization with free-form text fieldsAccount owners and admins can customize visitor badges by using free-form text fields through the admin portal. The badge preview feature allows admins to verify the positioning and appearance of custom text before implementing the changes. Admins can update the custom text content at any time through the portal settings. Web portal
New or enhanced featureEnhancements to kiosk host display settings for linked accountsAccount owners and admins can now manage the display of hosts from linked accounts on their Zoom Kiosk through a dedicated setting. When accounts are linked and the new setting is enabled, admins can include users from linked accounts in their designated who shows up on the kiosk as potential host. The setting works in conjunction with existing visitor management features, allowing admins to customize which users from connected accounts appear as potential hosts. This feature provides more granular control over host management in multi-account environments.Web portal


January 6, 2025

New, enhanced, and changed features

TypeFeature titleDescriptionPlatforms
Admin features
New or enhanced featureAbility to limit autopopulated user list on kioskAdministrators can restrict the list of users that appear as host options when autopopulation is turned on for the visitor kiosk. They can assign specific users who can be searched and selected as a visitor host, controlling the list at a granular level such as by building or floor. This allows workplace teams and security teams to limit the visibility of certain users in the autopopulated host list based on the visitor's location.Web portal

September 16, 2024

New, enhanced, and changed features

TypeFeature titleDescriptionPlatforms
User features
New or enhanced featureVisitor invite times in 15-minute incrementsUsers can invite visitors to reserve workspaces at 15-minute increments. Users can set visitor invite times at :15, :30, :45, and :00 increments, providing more flexibility when scheduling visitor reservations. Zoom Visitor Management previously only allowed invites at the :30 and :00 minute marks.Web portal
Visitor Details features
Changed featureAbility manually add visitorsAccount owners and admins can manually add visitors into the visitor management system. They can upload a CSV file containing visitor information or add visitors individually. Admins can bypass the questionnaire and photo requirements for manually added visitors if needed. Manually added visitors will appear in the upcoming visitors list, and admins can check them in and out. These visitors will also be included in reports, with a notation indicating they were manually registered.Web portal

August 19, 2024

New and enhanced features

June 17, 2024

New and enhanced features

Resolved issues

May 5, 2024

New and enhanced features

Resolved issues

April 21, 2024

New and enhanced features

Resolved issues

March 16, 2024

New and enhanced features

Resolved issues

January 12, 2024

New and enhanced features