Release notes for January 8, 2024
For full notes including version numbers, please see the operating system release notes.
Note: This client release is for Windows, macOS, and iOS only.
New and enhanced features
- General features
- Update to OpenSSL 3.1.4 - Windows, macOS
Due to the recently disclosed vulnerabilities with lower versions of OpenSSL, the Zoom client is updated to use OpenSSL 3.1.4. Depending on your network security configuration, you may also need to update your network infrastructure devices’ firmware.
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
- Resolved an issue regarding a failure to sync with Exchange after app reinstall - iOS
For full notes including version numbers, please see the operating system release notes.
- This client release is for Intune for iOS only.
- The mobile releases require additional approval from their respective app stores and may take a few additional days to be available for download.
Resolved Issues
- Minor bug fixes
- Resolved an issue regarding a failure to sync with Exchange after app reinstall - iOS
Note: The VDI releases for 5.15.14 and 5.16.11 have been delayed and will be available soon.