Managing the single-session lite Setup section
In the single-session lite Setup section, hosts can select the webinar type, set captions, change caption language, and manage special roles.
Learn more about creating a single-session lite event.
This article covers:
Prerequisites for managing the single-session lite Setup section
Note: To access the latest Zoom Events and Zoom Webinar features, make sure you’re using the latest version of the Zoom desktop or mobile app.
How to access the single-session lite Setup section
- Create a single-session lite event or edit an upcoming event.
You’ll be directed to the event setup page. - In the left navigation menu, click In-Session, then Setup.
How to manage the single-session lite Setup section
Complete the Session info section
Webinar type
- Access the Setup section in the event creation setup.
- Under the Session info section, below Webinar type, select the type of webinar you want:
- For the Webinar Type, select from the following options:
- Live: Create a regular webinar session where you can share information.
- Simulive: Simulive allows you to share a previously recorded session as a video file within a live session. You can start the event on time without the host being present and can interact with the audience with live chat and Q&A. You can share pre-recorded content or upload a recording as the session. You can only access videos that belong to the hub; the videos can be existing cloud recordings created by the hub or a newly uploaded recording. Uploaded recordings are also visible in the Zoom web portal recording list and are tagged with the From a Zoom Events Hub label.
Note: The option to upload a video to be used with simulive is available by request only. For additional questions, contact Zoom Support to discuss whether this feature is available for your account.
- To upload a Simulive recording:
- Under Webinar type, click Simulive.
A new section to upload a simulive recording will appear. - Under Simulive recording, click the plus icon
in the video tile. - Select the video you want to use in the following ways:
- Choose a previously recorded webinar or meeting for Simulive.
Note: The maximum recording size is 5GB. The video can be in .mov, .mp4, .avi, .wmv, or H.264 format. - Click Upload video
to upload your preferred video.
Once the video is processed, it can be selected in the simulive recording pop-up window.
Note: Uploaded recordings will be stored in the hub owner's cloud storage. Recordings viewed on the web portal will have a tag to identify them as belonging to a hub.
- Click Add video.
The recording will appear under Simulive recording. Uploaded recordings will also appear in your recording list on the Zoom web portal. - (Optional) Under Simulive recording, hover your mouse over the recording thumbnail and click the pencil icon
to select another recording. - (Optional) Under Simulive recording, hover your mouse over the recording thumbnail and click the trash icon
to remove the recording.
- Click Save.
- Access the Setup section in the event creation setup.
- Under the Session Info section, below Captions, select the language your recording will play in the webinar:
- Click Edit to select the language you want.
You will be directed to the Captions page. - Click the dropdown to choose another language.
- Click Save.
Note: Captions will appear in the selected language for everyone.
Complete the Special Roles Access section
Hosts can require special roles to authenticate upon joining. If authentication is required, special role users must sign in to their Zoom account that was invited to the event. If authentication is not required, the special role users can join the event without any authentication requirements.
Note: Interpreters are required to have a Zoom account and sign in.
- Access the Setup section in the event creation setup.
- Under Special Roles Access, select the Require alternative hosts and speaker roles to authenticate at time of join checkbox
. - In the bottom-left corner of the page, click Save.
Complete the Add or edit your in-session roles section
Note: To control email trigger behaviors, under Add or edit your in-session roles, click Go to emails. This action will direct you to the Emails tab.
Add users
- Access the Setup section in the event creation setup.
- Under Add or edit your in-session roles, click Add special role.
A new row will appear for entering your panelist's information. - Add a user by entering their information:
- Name: Enter the name of the special role user.
- Email: Enter the email address of the special role user.
- In-session role: Click the dropdown menu and select if you want the user to be a Panelist or Alternative host.
- (Optional) To add more special roles, click Add special role and repeat steps 4–5.
- In the bottom-left corner of the page, click Save.
Edit users
- Access the Setup section in the event creation setup.
- Under Add or edit your in-session roles, use the following fields to update a user’s information:
- Name: Change a user’s name.
- Email: Update a user’s name.
- In-session role: Choose Panelist or Alternative host as the user’s role.
- In the bottom-left corner of the page, click Save.
Delete users
- Access the Setup section in the event creation setup.
- Under Add or edit your in-session roles, next to the user you want to remove, click the trash icon
. - In the bottom-left corner of the page, click Save.
Import panelists by CSV
Tips: Here are a few things to note when uploading special role users with a CSV file:
- Access the Setup section in the event creation setup.
- Create a single-session lite event or edit an upcoming event. You’ll be directed to the event setup page.
- To the left of the event setup page, click In-Session, then Setup.
- Under Add or edit your in-session roles, click Upload a CSV file.
The Add panelists through uploading CSV window will appear. - You have two options to upload your CSV file:
- Drag and drop: Drag the CSV file from your computer and drop it into the designated area on the screen.
- Choose files to upload: Click Choose files to open your computer’s file browser to access the location where your CSV file is saved. Click the desired file and select Upload to complete the process.
The users from your uploaded CSV file will appear in the list, and a prompt will show the number of roles added.
- In the bottom-left corner of the page, click Save.
Each imported panelist will receive a confirmation email with details about the event.