Managing the single-session lite In-session Branding section

The In-session Branding feature allows hosts full control over the session’s appearance, including how the panelists are displayed to attendees and applies branding at the event level. Hosts can customize what an attendee sees by uploading a wallpaper, setting the virtual background, and applying name tags to panelists.

In-session Branding includes the following features:

Learn more about creating a single-session lite event.

This article covers:

Prerequisites for managing the single-session lite In-session Branding section

How to access the single-session lite In-session Branding section

  1. Create a single-session lite event or edit an upcoming event to access the event setup.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click In-Session, then click In-session Branding.

How to manage the single-session lite In-session Branding section

  1. Access the single-session lite In-session Branding section.
  2. (Optional) Use Production Studio to customize layouts, add borders to videos, adjust the video aspect ratio, and use multiple wallpapers within a session. Learn more about Production Studio.
  3. Under Webinar In-session Branding, set the style for each special role at the session level and how they appear in any of the webinar sessions they join in the event:
  4. Click Customize In-session Appearance to view how all roles will appear when they join.