Understanding Quality Management metrics

Quality Management provides analytics and report data for numerous metrics. This enables users to review performance analytics associated with their team, providing in-depth insights into trends and issues in association with consumer interactions. This article provides an overview of the metrics Zoom uses.

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Interaction analytics metrics

These metrics are visible when you are reviewing interactions. You can configure the ranges if the recommended ranges do not meet the standards associated with your organization, and you can obscure some metrics from consideration if desired.

Important note regarding metrics

Quality Management metrics and analytics are provided for informational purposes and may contain inaccuracies. Results are not intended to be used for employment decisions or other comparable decisions. All recommended ranges for metrics are based on publicly available research.

Sentiment score

The sentiment score provides an assessment of the consumer’s overall sentiment during the interaction. This score is derived from an analysis of the entire conversation. Scores closer to 100 indicate more positivity while scores around 50 are representative of neutrality.

Recommended range: A sentiment score greater than 61 and an engagement score greater than 50.

Talk-listen ratio

The talk-listen ratio reflects the percentage of total interaction time during which the agent is speaking. It provides insight into how much time the agent is actively contributing to the conversation and how effectively the agent engages the consumer to participate.

Longest spiel

The longest spiel metric indicates the duration of a speaker’s longest uninterrupted speech segment. A spiel is essentially a monologue, and a prolonged monologue can limit opportunities for engagement with consumers, potentially impacting comprehension by listeners and increasing fatigue with the conversation.

Recommended range: Avoid monologues that last more than 2:30 minutes to increase the interactivity of the call, promote engagement, and lead to better outcomes.

Talking speed

The talking speed metric measures the average number of words spoken per minute by the agent. Maintaining an appropriate talking speed is a means of ensuring an interaction progresses efficiently while remaining clear and understandable.

Recommended range: A talking speed between 110-160 words per minute.

Filler words

This metric tracks the average number of filler words (e.g., “ah”, “um”, “hm”, “er”) used per minute by the agent. Filler words should be avoided as they can indicate uncertainty and reduce perceived credibility.

Recommended range: 0.6-3.0 filler words per minute (6-30 filler words per 10 minutes)


The patience metric tracks time elapsed between a question and the respondent’s answer. This metric provides insight into how much time is allowed for consumers to consider and respond.

Recommended range: Waiting between 0.5 and 1.5 seconds for the consumer to respond.