Understanding Quality Management metrics

Quality Management provides analytics and report data for numerous metrics. This enables users to review these metrics across their team, providing potential insights into trends and issues in their consumer interactions.

This article goes into more detail about the various metrics and analytics, so you can better understand and use this data.

This article covers:

Interaction analytics metrics

These metrics are available when reviewing interactions.

Important note regarding metrics

Quality Management metrics and analytics are provided for informational purposes and may contain inaccuracies. Results are not intended to be used for employment decisions or other comparable decisions. All recommended ranges for metrics are based on publicly available research.

Engagement and Sentiment score

Sentiment provides a way of assessing the consumer’s sentiment. This is based on the entire interaction’s analysis and mainly focuses on the sentiment of the consumer, with higher scores indicating a more positive effect and scores around 50 indicating a neutral sentiment.

Engagement is based on various factors, including talk-time ratio, response time lag, and frequency of speaker changes. These are used to estimate how engaged a consumer is throughout the entirety of the interaction.

The sentiment and engagement scores range between 0-100, with higher scores indicating a higher engagement or sentiment.

Recommended range: A sentiment score greater than 61 and an engagement score greater than 50.

Talk-listen ratio

This shows the percentage of total interaction time when the agent was speaking. The talk-listen ratio allows you to view the proportion of time the speaker is actively speaking in an interaction and also how well the speaker is able to engage the consumer to participate

Longest spiel

This shows the duration of the longest speech segment of the speaker. A spiel, or monologue, is being the only participant speaking for a length of time, which can discourage others from participating in the conversation, impact listener comprehension, and cause fatigue. This data can help managers coach agents into being more aware of how much time they are speaking at once and creating pauses for questions or comments.

The recommended maximum for a monologue varies, depending on the topic you are presenting on or question you are answering, but recent research suggests that stopping intermittently to ask questions boosts overall learning and retention in the educational sector.

Recommended range: Avoid monologues that last more than 2:30 minutes to increase the interactivity of the call, promote engagement, and lead to better outcomes.

Talking speed

This shows the average number of words spoken per minute by the agent. Ideally, the agent should keep the talking speed within a specific range to help keep the interaction moving while still being understood. Based on this data, contact center supervisors can work with their agents to increase or decrease their talking speed to improve this conversational skill.

Talking speed tends to drop when the speaker is conveying highly technical information to improve comprehension. Research also suggests that “listenability” also increases when a speaker takes more frequent and longer pauses on average.

Recommended range: A talking speed between 110-160 words per minute.

Filler words

This shows the average number of filler words used per minute by the agent. Filler words, such as ah, um, and hmm, can indicate that the agent needs to be more familiar and confident with what they are saying. Interestingly, studies found that using filler words excessively, as well as not using any filler words, can diminish a speaker’s credibility. Supervisors can identify agents who use too many filler words and work to improve their conversational or product confidence.

Zoom Quality Management tracks the number of filler words used every minute.

Recommended range: 0.6-3.0 filler words per minute (6-30 filler words per 10 minutes)


Patience reflects how much time elapsed between a question and the respondent’s answer. This can indicate how much patience is given to consumers, which can affect the consumer’s satisfaction with the interaction. This can be reviewed and coached to help agents improve their ability to control the pace of conversations.

Zoom Quality Management measures patience in seconds.

Recommended range: Waiting between ½ and 1.5 seconds for the consumer to respond.