Using Zoom Phone with the LTI Pro app

With the Zoom Phone integration for LTI Pro, LTI Instructors and admins can utilize Zoom Phone directly within their course. This includes the ability to:

This article covers:

Prerequisites for using Zoom Phone in LTI Pro


How to enable Names and Role Provisioning service

Before setting up Zoom Phone with your LMS, the scope for Names and Role Provisioning Services (NRPS) will need to be enabled first. For more information on enabling this for your specific LMS, see below:

How to set up Zoom Phone with LTI Pro

Configuring LTI Pro for Zoom Phone

  1. Sign in to the Zoom Marketplace.
  2. Click Manage, then click Apps on Account.
  3. Find the LTI Pro App.
  4. Open the LTI Pro App, then click Configure.
  5. Select the configured LTI 1.3 credential, and click Edit. If the LTI 1.3 credential hasn’t been configured, then it will need to be configured before proceeding. Learn more about configuring LTI Pro credentials.
  6. Enable Zoom Phone.

Authorizing Zoom Phone in the LTI Pro app

  1. Launch the LTI Pro 1.3 app.
  2. In the LTI Pro app, click the Phone button.
  3. In the dialog window, click Connect.
    The user will be redirected to the login page.
  4. Log in using the Zoom user account.
    Note: The email of the Zoom user must be the same as the email used to log into the LMS.
  5. Click Allow, and the user should see a success message.
    Note: The user will need to be signed into the Zoom client as the Zoom Phone widget for LTI Pro uses the Zoom client to route calls

Opening Zoom Phone in the LTI Pro app

  1. Log in to the Zoom client using the same Zoom user.
  2. Click the Phone button.
    Zoom Phone will open.

How to use Zoom Phone in LTI Pro

You can generally find usage details for the Zoom Phone floating window in LTI Pro by referring to the Zoom Phone Smart Embed feature. In addition, please refer to the following for more detailed information on using Zoom Phone:

Using LTI Contacts

  1. In the LTI Pro app, click the Contacts tab.
    The course class roster will be listed without phone numbers.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Enter the desired number, and click Add.
  4.  To start a phone call or send an SMS message with a contact, click the Phone icon or SMS icon.

Bulk importing phone numbers into Contacts

  1. In the Contacts tab, click Import Phone Numbers.
  2. The import dialog box will open. 
  3. Click Download CSV Template.
  4. Edit the downloaded CSV file.
  5. In the import window, click Import Phone Numbers and select the previously edited file.
  6. Click Upload.

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