Viewing Zoom Phone Member availability reports
Member availability reports provide you with real-time insight into your members' status and availability across call queues. It displays each member's Zoom app presence status and call status. Member availability reports provide data in near real-time. Additionally, you can choose a specific call queue to check an individual member's status.
Requirements for viewing the Member Availability Report
- Zoom Phone license (any license that includes Zoom Phone Pro features)
- Zoom Phone Power Pack add-on
- Call queues set up with admins/members
- Call queues contain call activity
- Must be an admin to access the real-time analytics and historical reports for call queues and view KPIs for specific members
- Call queue admin and member (can only view the real-time analytics and historical reports for the call queues they are a member of)
How to view Member availability reports for Zoom Phone
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as a call queue member or admin.
- In the navigation menu, click Analytics & Reports.
- Click the Zoom Phone tab.
- Click Member availability reports, then do the following as required to filter your data:
Note: These actions are optional and are not necessary to view the available data.
- On the top left, view the report’s current date and time of the report. To its right, click the refresh icon
, to get the latest view of the report. - In the Search for a member box, enter the name of the user you want to view data for.
- Click the Site (All) dropdown and select the site you want to view data for.
- Click the Call Queues (All) dropdown and select the call queue you want to view data for.
- In the Department dropdown menu, select Department or Cost Center, then type the name of the department or cost center.
- View the following information in the report:
- Client Status: View the following Zoom app status presence and Zoom Phone status:
Note: As an admin, you can opt-in an agent to a call queue.
- On a call queue phone: The member is on a call that is part of a call queue.
- On other Call: The member is on a call that is not part of a call queue.
- Available: The member is available and is not part of a call queue.
- Unavailable: The member is unavailable.
- Member: Displays the member's name.
- Extension: Displays the extension number of the member.
- Opt-in Call Queues: View the call queues that the member has opted in, or view if the member has opted out of all call queues.
- (Optional) To the right of a member you want to manage, click the down arrow
, then do the following actions:
- Receive call queues calls: View if the toggle is enabled or disabled. Click the toggle to enable it.
Note: When enabled, you can adjust this setting by clicking Update from member's settings
. Learn more about changing phone user settings. - Under Assigned call queue, click the toggles to enable or disable them.