Enabling scheduled callback

Scheduled callback is when a consumer requests a callback at a specific time in the future from a brand's website. When a consumer requests a scheduled callback, they provide their details and preferred callback time. The system automatically attempts the callback on the date and time window specified if an agent is available. Scheduled callbacks are used to manage consumer wait times effectively, enhance consumer satisfaction, and ensure that consumers receive assistance at their preferred time. 

This article covers:

Prerequisites for enabling scheduled callback

Scheduled callback flow for agents and consumers

  1. The consumer will have the same entry point through a web campaign and navigate through a step process to create the scheduled callback.
  2. The consumer is required to select an inquiry option. This will decide if they receive a voice or video callback request based on inquiry configured for queue.
  3. The consumer is required to enter their contact information for receiving the scheduled callback.
  4. The consumer can then select the date and time that works best for them to receive the scheduled callback.
  5. The consumer will receive a confirmation email for scheduled callback:
  6. The agent/supervisor will have the ability to see all scheduled callbacks in the client from the Engagement tab based on role permission.
  7. At the scheduled time, an available agent in the queue will receive callback notification.
  8. If an agent is not available during the time window for the scheduled callback, the callback will be canceled and the consumer will receive an email informing them to reschedule their callback.

How to enable scheduled callback

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Queues.
  3. Click the display name of the video or voice queue you want to edit. 
  4. In the Callback Settings section, click the Scheduled Callback toggle to enable or disable scheduled callback.
  5. Once enabled, complete the following steps to setup the scheduled callback for this specific queue:

Note: During the Schedule Experience configuration, it is recommended that you set the Callback Time Window to duration that is longer than your typical queue hold times. This will prevent the callback from being cancelled if all agents are busy during the time window. For example, if your queue typically has a max wait time of 16 minutes, you should set your Callback Time Window to at least 30 minutes to give enough time for the consumer’s callback task to wait in the queue and be connected to an agent. 

How to set up a web campaign that includes scheduled callback

After queue setup, set up a web campaign as an entry point for your customers to be able to schedule a callback from the brand's website. You can add multiple queues to a single Scheduled Callback campaign. Consumers can select a particular queue by making a selection in the inquiry step (step 2) when they are scheduling a callback.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Campaign Management.
  3. Click Add Campaign.
  4. In the Add Campaign window, select Scheduled Callback.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Change campaign settings.