Using Zoom Docs keyboard shortcuts

Using keyboard shortcuts in your Zoom Docs can help boost your productivity. Tasks like formatting and executing commands become quicker and easier, reducing repetitive actions. By mastering these shortcuts, you’ll enjoy a smoother and faster experience with Zoom Docs!

Note: Shortcuts will differ between macOS, Windows, and Linux computers. You can refer to the section below to determine what’s appropriate for you.

Shortcuts for basic editing

UndoCmd + ZCtrl + Z
RedoCmd + Y or Cmd + Shift + ZCtrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + Z
CopyCmd + CCtrl + C
CutCmd + XCtrl + X
PasteCmd + VCtrl + V
Select allCmd + ACtrl + A
FindCmd + FCtrl + F
Find and replaceCmd + Shift + HCtrl + Shift + H
Increase indentTabTab
Decrease indentShift + TabShift + Tab
Insert aboveCmd + Opt + Ctrl + Alt +
Insert belowCmd + Opt + Ctrl + Alt +
BoldCmd + BCtrl + B
ItalicCmd + ICtrl + I
UnderlineCmd + UCtrl + U
StrikethroughCmd + Shift + S/XCtrl + Shift + S/X
Text colorCmd + Opt + HCtrl + Alt + H
LinkCmd + KCtrl + K
Inline codeCmd + ECtrl + E
Left alignCmd + Shift + LCtrl + Shift + L
Center alignCmd + Shift + ECtrl + Shift + E
Right alignCmd + Shift + RCtrl + Shift + R
Heading 1Cmd + Opt + 1Ctrl + Opt + 1
Heading 2Cmd + Opt + 2Ctrl + Opt + 2
Heading 3Cmd + Opt + 3Ctrl + Opt + 3
Heading 4Cmd + Opt + 4Ctrl + Opt + 4
Heading 5Cmd + Opt + 5Ctrl + Opt + 5
Heading 6Cmd + Opt + 6Ctrl + Opt + 6
Numbered ListCmd + shift + 7Ctrl + Opt + O
Bulleted ListCmd + shift + 8Ctrl + Opt + O
To-do listCmd + shift + 9Ctrl + Opt + O
TextCmd + Opt + OCtrl + Opt + O
Add commentCmd + shift + MCtrl + Opt + O
Send commentCmd + EnterCtrl + Enter
BoldType ** on either side of your  text followed by SpaceType ** on either side of your  text followed by Space
BoldType __ on either side of your  text followed by SpaceType __ on either side of your  text followed by Space
ItalicType * on either side of your  text followed by SpaceType * on either side of your  text followed by Space
ItalicType _ on either side of your  text followed by SpaceType _ on either side of your  text followed by Space
Bold + ItalicType *** on either side of your  text followed by SpaceType *** on either side of your  text followed by Space
Bold + ItalicType ___ on either side of your  text followed by SpaceType ___ on either side of your  text followed by Space
UnderlineType ~ on either side of your  text followed by SpaceType ~ on either side of your  text followed by Space
Heading 1Type # followed by SpaceType # followed by Space
Heading 2Type ## followed by SpaceType ## followed by Space
Heading 3Type ### followed by SpaceType ### followed by Space
Heading 4Type #### followed by SpaceType #### followed by Space
Heading 5Type ##### followed by SpaceType ##### followed by Space
Heading 6Type ###### followed by SpaceType ###### followed by Space
Numbered listType 1. followed by SpaceType 1. followed by Space
Bulleted listType * or - followed by SpaceType * or - followed by Space
To-do listType [] or [x] followed by SpaceType [] or [x] followed by Space
Inline codeType ` on either side of your textType ` on either side of your text
Quote blockType > followed by SpaceType > followed by Space
Code blockType ``` on either side of your textType ``` on either side of your text
DividerType --- followed by SpaceType --- followed by Space
DividerType *** followed by SpaceType *** followed by Space

Shortcuts in Data tables

Enter cell valueEnterEnter
Exit detailsEscEsc
Exit and save editEnterEnter
Expand detailsCmd + Shift + OCtrl + Shift + O
Switch detail pageCmd + ←→Ctrl + ←→
UndoCmd + ZCtrl + Z
RedoCmd + Shift + ZCtrl + Shift + Z
CopyCmd + CCtrl + C
PasteCmd + VCtrl + V
Select allCmd + ACtrl + A
Search in the inline tableCmd + F with cell selectedCtrl + F with cell selected
Search in the current doc pageCmd + FCtrl + F
Add commentShift + Cmd + MShift + Ctrl + M
Move selection↑↓ ←→ with cell or card selected↑↓ ←→ with cell or card selected
Table View
Add a new row belowShift + EnterShift + Enter
Add a new column rightCmd + Shift + EnterCtrl + Shift + Enter
Create a new row below the selected cellShift + EnterShift + Enter
Move to the right cellTab or Tab or
Move to the left cellShift + TabShift + Tab
Scroll to the edge of the current groupCmd + ↑↓ ←→ with cell selectedCtrl + ↑↓ ←→ with cell selected
Select contiguous cellsShift + ↑↓ ←→ with cell selectedShift + ↑↓ ←→ with cell selected
Expand selection to the edge of the current groupCmd + Shift + ↑↓ ←→ with cell selectedCtrl + Shift + ↑↓ ←→ with cell selected
Select text until the edge of the current lineCmd + Shift + ↑↓ ←→ with cursor selectedCtrl + Shift + ↑↓ ←→ with cursor selected
Text Cell
Paste without formatCmd + Shift + VCtrl + Shift + V
Wrap line for textShift + Enter / Opt + EnterShift + Enter / Opt + Enter
Wrap line for a listEnterEnter
Move the cursor to the far leftCmd + with cursor activeCtrl + with cursor active
Move the cursor to the far rightCmd + with cursor activeCtrl + with cursor active
Select current wordDouble click with cursor activeDouble click with cursor active
Select current lineTriple click with cursor activeTriple click with cursor active
Select text by characterShift + ↑↓ ←→Shift + ↑↓ ←→
Select text by wordOpt + Shift + ↑↓ ←→Opt + Shift + ↑↓ ←→
Set numbered listCmd + shift + 7 with cursor activeCtrl + Opt + 7 with cursor active
Set bulleted listCmd + shift + 8 with cursor activeCtrl + Opt + 8 with cursor active
Set checklistCmd + shift + 9 with cursor activeCtrl + Opt + 9 with cursor active
Set bold textCmd + BCtrl + B
Set italic textCmd + ICtrl + I
Set underline textCmd + UCtrl + U
Strikethrough textCmd + shift + SCtrl + Shift + S
Turn into hyperlinkCmd + KCtrl + K
Increase the indent of the listCmd + ] or Tab with cursor activeCtrl + ] or Tab with cursor active
Reduce the indent of the listCmd + [ or Shift + Tab with cursor activeCtrl + [ or Shift + Tab with cursor active
Quickly select text to the Right or LeftCmd + shift + L/E/RCtrl + Opt + L/E/R
Select cell
Select optionEnterEnter
Date cell
Send optionEnterEnter
Multi-select cell
Select optionEnterEnter
Checkbox cell
CheckSpace or EnterSpace or Enter
UncheckSpace or EnterSpace or Enter
Edit cell formulaEnterEnter or =
Select optionSpace or EnterSpace or Enter