Managing Number Management master and sub accounts

Once this feature is enabled for a partner master account by Zoom, the master account administrator can sign in to the Zoom admin web portal and use web-based features to perform number management functions. The master account admin can import phone numbers by importing a CSV file or manually insert numbers one by one.

Requirements for managing Number Management master and sub accounts

Table of Contents

How to access Number Management sub accounts in the Provider Portal

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Number Management then Provider Portal.
  3. Click the Sub Account tab.

How to add numbers to a sub account

The Add Numbers button allows the admin to add one number at a time and can be used when they need to provision just a few numbers.

Note: This should not be used when adding a large number of DIDs as this can be quite time-consuming.

Add a number to the free number pool

we will add a number to the Provider’s free number pool but not assign it to a sub account directly at that time. We will then show you how to add that number into the sub account from the free number pool.

  1. Access sub accounts in the Provider Portal.
  2. In the top-right corner, click Add Numbers.
    A pop-up window will appear.
  3. In the window, enter the number information.
  4. Click Save.
    The number will be added on the Sub Account tab and listed as Free under the Number Pool Status column. This indicates that the number is not bound to a sub account and can be assigned to any sub account under that master account.
  5. Assign the number to a sub account or delete the number from the free number pool.

Use the CSV Import Feature

Alternatively, you can import up to 200 numbers at a time using a CSV or XLS file to import the numbers in bulk.

  1. Access sub accounts in the Provider Portal.
  2. In the top-right corner, select the Import button.
    A pop-up window will appear.
  3. In the window, click CSV Sample to download a template file.
  4. Click Download.
  5. Enter the following information in the file:
  6. Enter the required information in the file.
  7. Ensure to save the file to a location you can easily find.
  8. Return to the Import screen and click Upload CSV.
    After you import the CSV, the tool will automatically import the numbers, and they will appear in the number list in the Sub Account tab.

Note: Once a number is assigned to a sub account, the sub account administrator must release the number from their account back into the free number pool before you can remove it. You cannot delete a number that is assigned to a sub account.

How to assign a free number to a sub account

If you added a number to the free number pool but didn't assign it to a sub account, you can assign the number later.

  1. Add a number to the free number pool.
  2. In the Sub Account tab, to the right of a number you want to assign, click the ellipsis , then click Assign.
    A pop-up window will appear.
  3. In the window, to the right of Assign To, click the dropdown and select the sub account to assign the number to.
  4. To the right of SIP Trunk Name, click the dropdown and select the SIP trunk name.
  5. (Optional) In the Billing Reference ID field, enter details if you require it.
  6. (Optional) In the Service Info field, enter details if you require it.
    Note: This field is a descriptive field shown in the sub account under that number and has no bearing on number routing at all.

Note: Once a number is assigned to a sub account, the sub account administrator must release the number from their account back into the free number pool before you can remove it. You cannot delete a number that is assigned to a sub account. At that point, the sub account administrator must manage and assign the number to an end user.

How to return numbers to the provider’s master account

When a sub account no longer needs a phone number or would like a number removed, they must first release the number from their sub account. They can only do so if the number is not assigned to a user.

Unassign phone numbers as a sub account owner/admin

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Number Management then Phone Numbers.
    The customer admin will see all of the numbers provisioned into their account by the master account in the Phone Numbers tab. The Assigned to column will display numbers that are assigned to a user or free (unused). The numbers provided by cloud peering partners will appear as BYOC - Cloud with the carrier name listed under it in the Source column.
  3. Click the number that you want to manage.
    You will be directed to the phone number settings.
  4. On the phone number settings page, next to the Assigned To field, click Unbind.
    A confirmation window will appear.
  5. In the window, click Unbind.
    Note: This action will affect the delegation associated with the number.
    In the Phone Number tab, the Assigned to column will be blank. This number will move from the Assigned state to an Unassigned state.

Delete phone numbers

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Number Management then Phone Numbers.
    The customer admin will see all of the numbers provisioned into their account by the master account in the Phone Numbers tab. The Assigned to column will display numbers that are assigned to a user or free (unused). The numbers provided by cloud peering partners will appear as BYOC - Cloud with the carrier name listed under it in the Source column.
  3. To the right of a number you want to delete, click the ellipsis , then click Delete.
    A confirmation window will appear.
  4. In the window, click Delete to release that number.
    The number will disappear from the phone number page of this sub account.

How to unbind a number from the sub account

After you return numbers to the provider’s master account, you can unbind that number from the sub account to delete or reassign it to another account.

  1. Access sub accounts in the Provider Portal.
  2. View the number that was returned to the provider.
    Note: Under the Number Post Status column, the status will display as Returned.
  3. To the right of the returned number, click the ellipsis , then click Unbind.
    A confirmation window will appear.
  4. In the window, click Unbind.
    The number will be returned to the free number pool. At this point, the provider can opt to assign the number to a sub account or delete the number from the platform altogether by using the options in the ellipsis menu .