Coaching with Revenue Accelerator automated scorecards

Automated scorecards provide a baseline score and leverage AI to evaluate sales conversations and interactions. Sales leaders can filter through certain sales methodologies, select from pre-set questions, and view scorecard analytics for only automated scorecards or manual scorecards. Account owners and admins can build scorecards with custom criteria and have an AI model automatically score conversations based on those metrics.

The automated evaluations provide sales leaders and admins with feedback on areas of strength and improvement. This feature elevates coaching efficiency with auto-scoring, providing instant insights and personalized feedback. This feature evaluates more conversations and gains insights into overall sales performance trends.

Note: Automatic scorecards without an overall score will be omitted from the analytics charting. Scoring is provided for informational purposes and may contain inaccuracies. Results are not intended to be used for employment decisions or other comparable decisions.

Additionally, you can create a basic scorecard.

Requirements for coaching with Zoom Revenue Accelerator automated scorecards

Limitations for coaching with Zoom Revenue Accelerator automated scorecards

Zoom Revenue Accelerator automated scorecards have the following limitations:

Table of Contents

How to access Zoom Revenue Accelerator automated scorecards and automation jobs

Access Revenue Accelerator automated scorecards

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Revenue Accelerator then Coaching.
  3. Click the Scorecards tab, then click Scorecards.
    The list of scorecards will appear.

Access Revenue Accelerator automation jobs

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Revenue Accelerator then Coaching.
  3. Click the Scorecards tab, then click Scoring automation.
    The list of automation jobs will appear.

How to manage an automated scorecard

Create an automated scorecard

  1. Access Revenue Accelerator automated scorecards.
  2. In the top right corner, click Create Scorecard, then Automated scorecard.
    You will be directed to the automated scorecard creation setup.
  3. Provide a name and a description for this scorecard.
  4. Under Scorecard result will include, click the toggles to enable or disable them:
  5. Edit the section:
  6. Click + Add Questions, then edit the question in the section:
  7. (Optional) Click + Add Questions to create another question for the scorecard.
    Note: Each scorecard can have up to 20 questions max.
  8. (Optional) Click Custom question suggestions to receive suggestions on how to improve the score or rating for each answer.
  9. (Optional) Click + Add Section to add another section to the scorecard.
  10. After you're finished completing the scorecard information, select from the following options:

Use a template to create an automated scorecard

  1. Access Revenue Accelerator automated scorecards.
  2. In the top right corner, click Create Scorecard, then Automated scorecard.
    You will be directed to the automated scorecard creation setup.
  3. On the right of the page, under Start with a template, click a template of an existing scorecard you want to use and select from pre-set questions.
    The scorecard will populate the template's content.
  4. Complete the scorecard information.
  5. After you're finished completing the scorecard information, select from the following options:

Edit a scorecard

Note: You can only edit scorecards that have a Draft status.

  1. Access Revenue Accelerator automated scorecards.
  2. To the right of the scorecard you want to remove, click the ellipsis , then click Edit.
  3. Edit the scorecard details.
  4. After you're finished completing the scorecard information, select from the following options:

View a scorecard

  1. Access Revenue Accelerator automated scorecards.
  2. To the right of the scorecard you want to remove, click the ellipsis , then click View scorecard.
    You will be directed to the scorecard viewing page, where you can Make a copy, Preview, or Delete the scorecard.

Duplicate a scorecard

  1. Access Revenue Accelerator automated scorecards.
  2. To the right of the scorecard you want to duplicate, click the ellipsis , then click Make a copy.
  3. Edit the duplicated scorecard details.
  4. After you're finished completing the scorecard information, select from the following options:

Delete a scorecard

Delete a single scorecard

  1. Access Revenue Accelerator automated scorecards.
  2. To the right of the scorecard you want to remove, click the ellipsis , then click Discard (for drafts) or Delete (for published scorecards).
    A confirmation window will appear.
  3. In the window, click Delete to confirm the scorecard deletion.
    Note: This action cannot be undone.

Delete multiple scorecards

  1. Access Revenue Accelerator automated scorecards.
  2. Select multiple scorecards' checkboxes.
  3. At the top of the page, click Delete.
    A confirmation window will appear.
  4. In the window, click Remove.
    Note: This action cannot be undone.

How to manage automation jobs

Auto-score conversations with selected scorecards when the conversations meet your automation conditions. Conversations will match automation in the following order on the web portal page and be auto-scored only once.

Create an automation job

Note: Zoom Revenue Accelerator admins and managers can set distinct scoring criteria for different types of customer interactions. The automation system supports filtering by conversation type, distinguishing between meetings, phone calls, and call queue interactions. For phone conversations, admins can create separate scoring rules based on whether the call was inbound or outbound. The system also allows filtering by the language used during the conversation.

  1. Access Revenue Accelerator automation jobs.
  2. Click Add Automation.
    You will be directed to the automation job creation setup.
  3. Complete the following information:
  4. Click Save.

Edit an automation job

  1. Access Revenue Accelerator automation jobs.
  2. To the right of an automation job you want to edit, click the ellipsis , then click Edit.
  3. Edit the automation job.
  4. Click Save.

Move automation jobs

  1. Access Revenue Accelerator automation jobs.
  2. At the top of an automation job, click and hold down the 6 dots , then move the automation job in the order that you want.

Delete an automation job

  1. Access Revenue Accelerator automation jobs.
  2. To the right of an automation job you want to edit, click the ellipsis , then click Delete.
    A confirmation window will appear.
  3. In the window, click Delete to confirm.
    Note: This action cannot be undone.

How to use the automated scorecard for scoring a conversation

Auto-score a single conversation from the Conversations tab

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Revenue Accelerator then Conversations.
  3. Click the Conversations tab.
  4. To the right of a conversation you want to manage, click the ellipsis , then click Auto-score.
    A pop-up window will appear.
  5. In the window, configure the following information:
  6. Click Start.

Auto-score a single conversation on the Conversation details page

Once created by a supervisor, teammates can score each other's conversations with the scorecards provided. This allows you to provide valuable feedback on various skills or methods used during the meeting.

  1. When viewing someone’s conversation recording, click the Coaching tab.
  2. Click Start Coaching to score a participant in this conversation.
  3. Select the participant you want to score, then click Next.
  4. Search for and select an available automated scorecard, then click Auto-score.
  5. Read through each question and the justification provided from the auto-scoring.
  6. (Optional) Click Delete to delete this score.
    Note: This action can't be undone.
  7. Click Close.
    You can view the overall aggregate score from the automated scorecards and click View Details to view the justification and details of the conversation. You can also delete the automated score from the panel's Coaching tab.


Auto-score multiple conversations

Note: Up to 100 conversations can be auto-scored at a time.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Revenue Accelerator then Conversations.
  3. Click the Conversations tab.
  4. To the left of conversations, select the checkboxes to select multiple conversations.
    You can also select the checkbox to the left of Topic to select all conversations' checkboxes.
  5. At the top of the page, click Auto-score.
    A pop-up window will appear.
  6. In the window, configure the following information:
  7. Click Start.