Changing Zoom Contact Center messaging queue settings
Requirements for changing messaging queue settings
How to change messaging queue settings
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin or another role with the privilege to edit queue settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Queues.
- Click the display name of the messaging queue you want to edit.
General tab
You can change these settings in the General tab:
Assigned Users section
- Agents: Click Manage to view current members of the queue or add members.
- Supervisors: Click Add or Manage to view or add queue supervisors. Queue supervisors have access to some queue management features.
Note: Queue supervisors are separate from the supervisor default role. Any role can be a queue supervisor. You can assign up to 2,000 users to each queue.
Inbound Settings section
- Channel: Select Messaging channel type for the queue. If you click Edit to change the channel type, the queue settings will reset to the default for the newly selected channel type:
- Voice
- Video
- Messaging : Corresponds to the messaging channel, which consists of:
- Email
- Max Engagement in Queue: Click Edit to change the maximum number of calls allowed in the queue, then click Save. When the maximum is exceeded, callers will be routed based on the Overflow option below.
- Engagement Distribution: The default is set to Most Available. Click Edit to adjust the notification duration for each queue user, in minutes or seconds.
- Consumer Routing: Click Add or Manage to select or change the associated consumer routing profile.
- Agent Routing: Click Add or Manage to select or change the associated agent routing profile.
- Max Wait Duration: Click Edit to change the maximum wait time allowed in the queue, then click Save. When the maximum is exceeded, consumers will be routed based on the Overflow option below.
Note: You can set a max wait duration of up to 24 hours. - Overflow: Click Edit then select one of the following routing options when the Max Wait Time or Max Engagements in Queue is exceeded.
- Reply goodbye message, then disconnect: The system will play a pre-configured goodbye message to the caller before disconnecting the call.
- Route to Queue: Select a queue to route to, then click Confirm. You can only route to a queue that's in the same channel as the current queue. For example, if editing a messaging queue, you can only overflow to another messaging queue.
- Click Edit to change the default disconnect message:
- Add Audio: Select, record, or upload custom audio.
- Choose from Assets Library: Select audio from the asset library.
- Engagement Acceptance: Specify if inbound engagements are auto answered by the agent that the queue routes to.
- Auto: Inbound engagements are auto answered by the agent that the queue routes to
- Manual: Inbound engagementa are not auto answered. Agents will be notified and assigned depending on the queue's distribution options.
- Queue Waiting Experience: Customize the waiting experience for the consumer.
- Notify estimated wait time: Click the toggle to enable notifications for consumers about the estimated wait time before starting an engagement with an agent.
- Notify position in queue: Click the toggle to enable notifications for consumers about their position in the queue.
- Launch URL: Click the Launch an external URL for incoming engagements on this queue toggle and specify a URL to launch for each engagement. The link will launch for each engagement according to the selected trigger.
- Launch Trigger: Specify when the link will launch for the engagement.
- Link to Launch: Click Edit to enter a valid URL beginning with https://. Insert parameters to pass information about the engagement to the URL as plain text.
- Dispositions: Add dispositions and sets for agents to categorize their engagements. Admins can make disposition selection mandatory or optional for queues.
- Wrap-up auto-close: Click the toggle to automatically save and close wrap-up at the end of the wrap-up duration. When turned off, wrap-up will close after 12 hours.
- Inactive engagement auto-close: Click Edit to adjust the duration (in minutes) for automatically closing inactive messaging engagements.
- Send an auto-closed message: Click the option to send an auto-closed message when an engagement is closed.
- Send an alert message before auto-closing: Click Edit to add text for the alert message or select from the assets library.
- Specify the duration (in minutes) for when the alert message should be sent before auto-closing.
- Service Level: Customize how Service Level is calculated.
- Alert: Set up real-time alerts for when the queue approaches or reaches certain KPI thresholds.
- AI Expert Assist: Add AI Expert Assist instance.
- Saved replies: Manage saved replies for this queue.
Outbound Settings section
- Outbound Messaging: Click the toggle to enable agents and supervisors to initiate outbound engagement and send messages to consumers.
- Assign an SMS or WhatsApp outbound number to control which numbers can be used by agents for their outbound messages that consumers will see coming from that specific number.
- Launch URL: Click the Launch an external URL for outbound engagements on this queue toggle and specify a URL to launch for each engagement. The link will launch for each engagement according to the selected trigger.
- Dispositions: Add dispositions and sets for agents to categorize their engagements. Admins can make disposition selection mandatory or optional for queues.
- Wrap-up auto-close: Click the toggle to automatically save and close wrap-up at the end of the wrap-up duration. When turned off, wrap-up will close after 12 hours.
Operating Hours section
Policy tab
You can change these settings in the Policy tab:
- Transfers: Control transfer options for agents.
- AI Companion: Manage AI Companion features for Zoom Contact Center.
- AI Expert Assist: Click the toggle to enable or disable AI Expert Assist features.
- Redact Personal Data: Click the toggle to enable automatic redaction of your customers' personal data from call recordings, transcripts, and messages.
- Click Manage Entity Types to select personal data entity types that you would like to redact.
Channel Upgrades tab
Upgrade to Video: Allow agents and supervisors in the voice queue to upgrade engagements to video. If enabled, you can configure the relevant settings for upgraded engagements:
- Video Transfers: Allow the upgrade video engagement to be transferred. If enabled, select if they can be transferred:
- All Users: The upgraded video engagement can be transferred to any contact center user.
- Selected Users: The upgraded video engagement can be transferred to specific contact center user. Click Add User(s) for Transfer to specify users.
- Video Engagement Wrap-up: Provide different dispositions and wrap-up settings for engagements upgraded to video. If disabled, engagements upgraded to video will use the existing queue dispositions and wrap-up duration.
- Dispositions: Add dispositions and sets for agents to categorize their engagements. Admins can make disposition selection mandatory or optional for queues.
- Wrap-up duration: Click Edit to select the amount of time before another engagement is routed to a member after they finish a queue call. This can be useful if you require call queue members to take breaks in-between calls; for example, to allow time to enter notes for the call.
Note: If a phone user is a member of multiple queues, they will not receive inbound notifications from their other queues when they are in the wrap-up time period for this queue. - Wrap-up auto-close: Click the toggle to automatically save and close wrap-up at the end of the wrap-up duration. When turned off, wrap-up will close after 12 hours.
- Wrap-up after Transfer: Click the toggle to allow agents to complete their wrap-up when transferring internally or when a supervisor takes over.
- Agent and supervisor video: Click the toggle to start engagement with agent and supervisor video on.
- Automatically turn on video: Click the toggle to start the engagement with both the agent's and supervisor's video on. Agents and supervisors can adjust this setting during the meeting.
- Remote Control: Click the toggle to allow Zoom Contact Center users to remote control the content during screen share.
- Disable auto-delete for consumers after the video ends: Select this option to allow users to choose whether to delete the app after the video call. If not selected, the system will automatically delete the app.
- Video Virtual Background: Click the toggle to enable virtual background for users during video engagements.
- Select a virtual background to apply for agents or click Edit to replace or remove the image.
Upgrade to Voice: Allow agents to upgrade engagements to voice. When enabled, agents with upgrade permissions can upgrade customer engagements to voice.
- Voice transfers/conferencing: Control transfer options for agents.
- Outbound Calls: Click Assign Number to select numbers that agents can set as their caller ID when calling consumers. The caller ID number is what your customers will see on their phones when agents make calls.
- Voice Engagement Wrap-up: Click the toggle to provide different dispositions and wrap-up for engagements upgraded to voice.
- Dispositions: Add dispositions and sets for agents to categorize their engagements. Admins can make disposition selection mandatory or optional for queues.
- Wrap-up duration: Click Edit to select the amount of time before another engagement is routed to a member after they finish a queue call. This can be useful if you require call queue members to take breaks in-between calls; for example, to allow time to enter notes for the call.
Note: If a phone user is a member of multiple queues, they will not receive inbound notifications from their other queues when they are in the wrap-up time period for this queue. - Wrap-up auto-close: Click the toggle to automatically save and close wrap-up at the end of the wrap-up duration. When turned off, wrap-up will close after 12 hours.
- Wrap-up after Transfer: Click the toggle to allow agents to complete their wrap-up when transferring internally or when a supervisor takes over.
- Address Book Contacts: Click the toggle to allow users to search for people in the Zoom Contact Center address books when transferring, or conferencing voice calls.
- Zoom Phone Contacts: Click the toggle to allow users to search for people in the Zoom Phone Contacts directory when transferring, or conferencing voice calls.
- Automatic Call Recording / Ad Hoc Call Recording
Survey tab
- Messaging survey: Click Add to send a survey to consumers at the end of messaging engagement. Choose from the active surveys created in Survey Management.
- Indicate to agents and supervisors about the survey: Enable this option to display a notification message above the messaging controls that notifies the assigned agent or supervisor that a survey will be sent to the consumer after the engagement ends. If you enable the option to send the survey after a certain period of time, this notification will also display the specified period of time.
- Survey Delivery: Choose how consumers can complete the survey.
- Receive a survey link: Click Edit to specify the expiration period for the survey link that’s sent directly at the end of the engagement. This ensures the survey is accessible to the recipient for a limited time.
- Receive each question as a message within the chat: Enable this option to have survey questions delivered individually as chat messages. This allows respondents to answer one question at a time directly within the chat.
- Survey Prompt: Click Edit to add a text prompt, or choose from the asset library to let consumers know what the survey is about.
- Upgrade to video
- Video survey: Click Add to send a survey to consumers at the end of video engagement. Choose from the active surveys created in Survey Management.
- Indicate to agents and supervisors about the survey: Enable this option to display a notification message above the video controls that notifies the assigned agent or supervisor that a survey will be sent to the consumer after the engagement ends. If you enable the option to send the survey after a certain period of time, this notification will also display the specified period of time.
- Survey Delivery: Click Edit to specify the expiration period for the survey link that’s sent directly at the end of the engagement. This ensures the survey is accessible to the recipient for a limited time.
- Survey Prompt: Click Edit to add a text prompt, or choose from the asset library to let consumers know what the survey is about.
- Upgrade to Voice
- Voice survey: Click Add to send a survey to consumers at the end of voice engagement. Choose from the active surveys created in Survey Management.
- Indicate to agents and supervisors about the survey: Enable this option to display a notification message above the voice call controls that notifies the assigned agent or supervisor that a survey will be sent to the consumer after the engagement ends. If you enable the option to send the survey after a certain period of time, this notification will also display the specified period of time.
- Survey Delivery: Choose when to send the survey to consumers.
- Start survey at the end of an engagement (Default): The survey begins at the end of an engagement.
- Send survey after a certain period of time: Consumers receive a phone call with the survey, at the specified period of time after the engagement ends.
- Survey Prompt
- Message to play when consumers start to take the survey: Customize the message that automatically plays to consumers after they start the survey questions. Click the play icon to play the current audio file. To change the audio, click Edit then select one of these options:
- Edit Message: Customize the message that is converted to speech, then click Save.
- Add Audio: Select, record, or upload custom audio.
- Choose from Assets Library: Select audio from the asset library.
- Message to play when consumers complete all the survey questions: Customize the message that automatically plays to consumers after they complete the survey. Click the play icon to play the current audio file. To change the audio, click Edit then select one of these options:
- Edit Message: Customize the message that is converted to speech, then click Save.
- Add Audio: Select, record, or upload custom audio.
- Choose from Assets Library: Select audio from the asset library.