Managing Zoom Contact Center system messages

Zoom Contact Center admins can manage whether to enable, disable, or edit system messages automatically sent to consumers when agent-related activities occur, such as an agent joining, leaving, ending, or transferring the chat.

When customizing system messages, you can create new text assets or use existing text assets from the Zoom Contact Center asset library.

Requirements for managing Zoom Contact Center system messages


Table of Contents

How to enable or disable system messages for consumers

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Preferences.
  3. On the Account tab, click Messaging Engagements.
  4. Under System messages, click the Allow consumers to receive all system messages toggle to enable or disable it.
    Note: By default, this feature is enabled for all accounts.
  5. If a verification dialog appears, click Enable or Disable to verify the change.
  6. To enable system messages in a specific channel, select the check box for that messaging channel.
    Note: By default, each messaging channel has the following system messages status:

How to edit system messages

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Contact Center Management then Preferences.
  3. On the Account tab, click Messaging Engagements.
  4. Under System messages, click Edit system messages.
  5. In the top-right corner, select the appropriate language from the drop-down menu.
  6. To enable specific system messages, select the check box for that system message.
    Note: By default, all system messages are enabled.
  7. To edit a system message, click the pencil icon next to its description, then choose from the text options:
  8. (Optional) To restore the original system message, click Revert to default.
  9. Click Save.

Use a new text asset

  1. Click Add Text.
  2. Under the Asset Name field, enter the text asset's name.
  3. (Optional) Under the Description field, enter a brief description for the system message.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Under Asset Name, select the appropriate language from the drop-down menu.
  6. Under the Text field, enter the new system message text.
  7. Click Add.

Use an existing text asset

  1. Click Choose from Assets Library.
    This option will display a list of text assets.
  2. (Optional) To filter the text asset list, enter text in the search field or select the appropriate language from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the appropriate text asset from the list, then click Add.