Configuring the O365 Graph API Integration

When configuring the integration between Zoom and Office365, account owners and admins can set up Office 365 calendar and mail integration using Application Permissions for all users or for selected groups within their account. This allows all Office 365 accounts or groups to be uniformly authenticated by the admin through OAuth. After the admin completes the authentication, users do not need to authenticate separately. Enabling or disabling this integration can be under the Account or Group level.

Requirements for configuring the O365 Graph API Integration

Table of Contents


  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Account Settings.
  3. Click the Mail & Calendar tab.
  4. Under Integrations, click the Integrate third-party mail and calendar services toggle to enable or disable it.
    If a verification dialog appears, click Enable or Disable to verify the change.
  5. Under Choose default calendar and contact services for users, select Office 365.
  6. Under Authorize with, select Graph API.
  7. Under Who can set up the integration, select Office 365 admin can set up the integration by using Application Permissions.
  8. Click Authorize and Save.
    Note: Zoom requires you to set up the permission within your Office 365 environment. A new browser tab will pop up and prompt you to login to your Microsoft account. Use your Office 365 admin account to consent.


  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click User Management then Groups.
  3. Click the name of the group you wish to configure.
  4. Click the Mail & Calendar tab.
  5. Under Integrations, click the Integrate third-party mail and calendar services toggle to enable or disable it.
    If a verification dialog appears, click Enable or Disable to verify the change.
  6. Under Choose default calendar and contact services for users, select Office 365.
  7. Under Authorize with, select Graph API.
  8. Under Who can set up the integration, select Office 365 admin can set up the integration by using Application Permissions.
  9. Click Authorize and Save.
    Note: Zoom requires you to set up the permission within your Office 365 environment. A new browser tab will pop up and prompt you to login to your Microsoft account. Use your Office 365 admin account to consent.

To disable the integration, simply select Users can set up the integration by using OAuth under Who can set up the integration.
If a verification dialog appears, click Disable and Delete. This will remove the credentials from the Zoom server.