Porting phone numbers that use SMS

Due to the telecom industry's implementation of 10DLC requirements that Zoom is required to uphold, there are many considerations to plan for ahead of the process to ensure minimal friction when porting your SMS capabilities into Zoom Phone. Please note that there can be between 24-48 hours of downtime with SMS ports.

Brand and campaign submissions are reviewed by third parties and the process can take an extended period of 4-12 weeks (or more, depending on how compliant and thorough the submissions are). We strongly recommend initiating this process as early as possible to ensure your brand and campaign are approved well in advance of any porting deadlines.

View the suggested workflow:

  1. Submit your 10DLC brand.
  2. Once your brand is approved, submit your 10DLC campaign.
    Note: Since review can take 2-4 weeks, verify that your campaign is thoroughly and accurately filled out to ensure the highest likelihood of approval upon your first submission. If your company's privacy policy mentions you share/sell consumer data without an exclusion of mobile information, your submission will be rejected.
  3. Once your campaign is approved, submit a pooling request if more than 49 telephone numbers will be used for SMS.
  4. After approval of the pooling request, or if one is not needed, submit your port request.
  5. Once your port has been completed, add your numbers to the campaign and wait for activation.
  6. Expect up to 24-48 hours of SMS downtime for these phone numbers while they are assigned to the campaign.
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If you wish to port voice and SMS capabilities separately to have more control over the change process, you can do so. For example, if you wish to only port voice capabilities first, you can use Zoom Phone for voice, while the same phone numbers use SMS with your current provider. Once you are ready, you can also port the SMS capabilities to Zoom Phone.
Learn more about opting out of Zoom Phone SMS.