BYOC-P or BYOP-P migration to the Common Platform
Over the next few months, Zoom will be moving your BYOC-P and BYOP-P connections to new data centers. You will need to make some changes to your existing Session Border Controllers (SBCs) to redirect calls to these new data centers. As part of this change, Zoom will provide a new way for admins to set up and manage connections to your SBCs.
To facilitate this transition smoothly, here are the key steps that need to be followed:
- Planning: Your account may have connections to multiple Zoom data centers. It's crucial to understand your current configuration and develop a plan to migrate your connections to the new Zoom data centers. View the list of Zoom's current data centers and the proposed new data centers where the existing trunks will be migrated.
- Environment readiness: When shifting call traffic to new Zoom data centers, your firewalls might need adjustments to accept calls from the new Zoom-provided IP addresses. Additionally, Session Border Controllers (SBCs) will require reconfiguration to accept and send calls to these new IP addresses.
- Enabling Number Management: Customers to enable Number Management by clicking the Update button in the Phone Numbers section in Phone System Management and Contact Center Management migrating to Number Management.
- Enabling BYOC in Common Platform: Zoom will enable BYOC SBC/Route Group and SIP Group Management for the customer's account. Customers will see a new menu under Number Management called BYOC Configuration.
- New UI view: After enabling BYOC Configuration, Zoom automatically creates exact copies of the existing SBC in the new data centers. These will be listed with the "Migrated" term under the SBC management view.
- Route Group and SIP Group creation: Customers are to create Route Groups and SIP Groups using the interface under BYOC Configuration.
- Testing and validation: Verify that your SBCs can effectively communicate with the new Zoom data centers and that bi-directional traffic is permitted.
- Migrate phone numbers to the new Zoom data centers: This final step involves transferring phone number routing to the new Zoom data centers.
Note: This applies to Zoom Phone and Zoom Contact Center.
How to identify the data centers where your SBCs are connected
To facilitate the migration of SBCs, a mapping has been provided below. Information regarding both the old and new data centers has been included to streamline the migration process.
Zoom Phone customers who have their SBCs connected to Zoom's Tianjin (China) (US01 - HK2 (TJ) and India data centers (US01 - HY/MB) will not be impacted by this change.
The media port range has been expanded as follows: UDP/10000-65000 (This is different from Zoom's current port range.)
Zoom Phone
To identify the data centers where your SBCs are connected:
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Company Info.
- Click Account Settings.
- Under Routing, to the right of Route Groups, click Manage.
The following options should be documented before migration:
- Type:
- BYOC-P: This allows Zoom users to dial out to PSTN using SIP trunks terminated on your SBC.
- BYOP-P: This feature enables Zoom users to initiate calls to PBX users connected through your SBC. Additionally, it allows PBX users to place calls to Zoom Phone users.
- (Local) Survivability: This feature allows your SBCs to be connected to Zoom Phone Local Survivability (ZPLS) modules. This is only applicable to customers who have ZPLS enabled.
- Region: Regions (highlighted in blue) indicate the data center to which your SIP trunks are connected with Zoom.
- Distribution: The distribution algorithm used by Zoom to send calls to your SBCs is indicated in this dropdown. The two available options are Sequential or Load Balancing.
- Session Border Controllers: The SBCs in your network have specific IP addresses that are displayed here. These addresses serve as the destination for calls sent by Zoom.
- Backup Route Group: Backup route groups are used by Zoom to redirect calls to an alternate route group should all the SBCs in the primary route group become unreachable.
The table below is provided purely as a recommendation during migration. In some cases, Zoom Phone or Zoom Contact Center customers may have configured SIP trunks to data centers in regions that are not in close proximity to their SBC.
With the introduction of Common Platform, customers can establish SIP trunks to the nearest Zoom data centers based on SBC proximity, removing any dependency on product-level SIP zones. This eliminates the need for product-specific SIP trunks that may be outside the SBC’s region. Additionally, the Common Platform enables SIP trunk consolidation, allowing a single shared SIP trunk for both Zoom Phone and Zoom Contact Center.
Current Zoom Data Centers | Proposed new Zoom Data Centers |
US01 - HK2 (TJ) Asia Pacific (Hong Kong 2) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000 | No change |
US01 - South America (SP/QR) Mexico and Central America (Querétaro, MX) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
South America (São Paulo) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - Central and South America
Querétaro, MX Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
Dulles, VA, US Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
US01 - US (SJ/DV/NY) US West (N. California) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
US Central (Colorado) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
US East (New York) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - North America
San Jose, CA, US Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
Dulles, VA, US Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
US01 - APAC (SG/TY) Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Asia Pacific (Singapore) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - Asia
Singapore, SG Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
Tokyo, JP Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
US01 - Japan (TY/OS) Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Asia Pacific (Osaka) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - Japan
Tokyo, JP Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
Osaka, JP Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
US01 - AU (SY/ME) Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Asia Pacific (Sydney) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - Oceania
Sydney, AU Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
Melbourne, AU Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
US01 - EU (AM/FR) Europe (Frankfurt) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Europe (Amsterdam) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - Europe
Amsterdam, NL Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
Frankfurt, DE Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
US01 - China/HK (HK/SG) Asia Pacific (Singapore) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong SAR) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - Asia
Singapore, SG Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
Tokyo, JP Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
EU01 - EU (AM/FR) Europe (Frankfurt) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Europe (Amsterdam) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - Europe
Amsterdam, NL Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
Frankfurt, DE Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
EU02 - EU (LEJ/FR3) Europe (Leipzig) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Europe (Frankfurt) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - Europe
Amsterdam, NL Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
Frankfurt, DE Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-65000
Zoom Contact Center
Currently, Zoom Contact Center customers are unable to view the data centers with which their SBCs are integrated. It is recommended to document the Zoom data centers from the SBC configuration and reference the table provided below as a guide.
Current Zoom Data Centers | Proposed new Zoom Data Centers |
US01 - US (SJ/DV) US West (N. California) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
US Central (Colorado) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - (San Jose, Dulles)
San Jose, CA, US Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-64000
Dulles, VA, US Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-64000
US01 - EU (AM/FR) Europe (Amsterdam) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Europe (Frankfurt) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - (Amsterdam, Frankfurt)
Amsterdam, NL Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-64000
Frankfurt, DE Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-64000
US01 - AU (SY/ME) Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Asia Pacific (Sydney) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - (Sydney, Melbourne)
Sydney, AU Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-64000
Melbourne, AU Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-64000
US01 - Japan (TY/OS) Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Asia Pacific (Osaka) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - (Tokyo, Osaka)
Tokyo, JP Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-64000
Osaka, JP Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-64000
EU01 - EU (AM/FR) Europe (Amsterdam) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Europe (Frankfurt) Signaling IP: Port: TCP/5061 Media Subnet: Port: UDP/20000-64000
Zoom Common Platform - (Amsterdam, Frankfurt)
Amsterdam, NL Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-64000
Frankfurt, DE Signaling IP: Port: 5061 Media Subnet: Port: 10000-64000
How to migrate to Number Management
Zoom is transitioning to a unified number management system shared across multiple Zoom products. This transition will enable customers to easily adopt various Zoom products that require phone numbers.
As part of this process, customers must migrate to the Number Management user interface. This migration is necessary for managing and provisioning BYOC trunks as well as managing BYOC and native phone numbers.
Check your enrollment in Number Management
After you sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin, Number Management will appear as an option in the left navigation menu. This enhanced user interface for number management enables you to oversee both Zoom native phone numbers and BYOC phone numbers.
If the Number Management option is not visible, then the account has not been updated for the Number Management experience. Accounts that have not updated to the Number Management experience will have the following message banner displayed in the web portal: Update available. This update provides enhancements to the Phone Number Management experience and related features.
- The Update action in the message banner can only be executed by users listed as Phone Super Admin with Phone Number edit permission for Zoom Phone, and Admin with Phone Number edit permissions for Zoom Contact Center for the account.
- Granular permissions for Number Management are not available at this time and will be introduced in the future.
When clicking Update in the message banner, the admin will be prompted with a few enablement information prompts. Make sure to read through the prompts. Migrating to the new service may take up to a few minutes; during that time, changes cannot be made to phone numbers or number assignments. The voice and SMS traffic for already-configured phone numbers on your account will not be impacted.
Learn more about using Number Management for managing phone numbers.
Number Management APIs
Zoom Phone customers migrating to Number Management, and who also use the below APIs, will continue to work without any interruption:
Phone Numbers:
POST /phone/byoc_numbers
POST /phone/users/{userId}/phone_numbers
GET /phone/numbers/{phoneNumberId}
GET /phone/numbers
DELETE /phone/numbers
DELETE /phone/users/{userId}/phone_numbers/{phoneNumberId}
PATCH /phone/numbers/{phoneNumberId}
PATCH /phone/numbers/sites/{siteId}
Phone Plans:
GET /phone/calling_plans
GET /phone/plans
GET /phone/sip_groups
GET /phone/sip_trunk/trunks
SMS Campaigns
POST /phone/sms_campaigns/{smsCampaignId}/phone_numbers
GET /phone/sms_campaigns/{smsCampaignId}
GET /phone/sms_campaigns/{smsCampaignId}/phone_numbers/opt_status
DELETE /phone/sms_campaigns/{smsCampaignId}/phone_numbers/{phoneNumberId}
PATCH /phone/sms_campaigns/{smsCampaignId}/phone_numbers/opt_status
How to migrate to a common platform
Zoom is working on migrating BYOC-Premises to a common platform to simplify the management of phone numbers and SBCs for both Zoom Phone and Zoom Contact Center. To migrate Zoom Phone SBCs and trunks to the common platform, the following high-level steps need to be completed.
- Migrate to common Number Management.
- Session Border Controller (SBC) migration.
- Creation of new Route Groups to the Zoom Common Platform.
- Creation of new SIP Groups on the Zoom Common Platform.
- Migration of test phone numbers to new SIP Groups.
- Migration of Routing Rules, Phone Numbers, External Contacts, Custom Emergency Call Routing to the new SIP Groups.
Migrate to a common Number Management
Customers will have been provided access to a common Number Management system which will be used for trunk management on the Zoom Common Platform. Learn more about the migration steps to the new Number Management system.
Session Border Controller migration
Customers may use the same IP and different ports for the SBC on the Zoom Phone and Zoom Contact Center platforms which have multiple SBCs created. Additionally, customers who may have SBCs on either Zoom Phone or Zoom Contact Center platforms will have multiple SBCs created on the Zoom Common Platform.
Zoom Phone
Any existing Session Border Controllers (SBCs) on the Zoom Phone platform will automatically migrate to the new Zoom Common Platform. These migrated SBCs can then be utilized to establish Route Groups within the Zoom Common Platform. During this migration, all individual SBC settings will transfer to the Zoom Common Platform as well.
When Zoom completes the migration process, the migrated SBCs will be identified with "(Migrated)" appended to their names.
Zoom Contact Center
While Zoom Contact Center didn't support creating SBCs from the Zoom administration portal, SBCs were created during the trunk setup process when customers submitted a request. These SBCs will now be visible to administrators when Zoom Common Platform is enabled.
Note: Certain customers may not be able to see the Session Border Controllers in the common platform. This can be due to the following reasons:
- Customers who use Cloud Peering/Provider Exchange (PEX) partners, and have previously requested Zoom to build trunks on their behalf, may need to contact their PEX partner to perform the trunk migration to the Zoom Common Platform. Additionally, Zoom will be proactively reaching out to certified partners and working with them on the trunk migration process.
- Customers utilizing Zoom's master/sub accounts, and who have previously requested Zoom to create trunks on their behalf, should have the trunks created on the master account first. Customers should then contact Zoom Support to facilitate copying of these trunks to the sub accounts.
Ensure that the Route Groups on the sub accounts are all migrated to the common platform before deleting the old Route Groups. If the Route Groups are deleted prematurely, calls on the subaccount will fail.
After completing the migration, customers can then consolidate their SBC configurations, if needed. The migrated SBCs can also be renamed or modified, and obsolete configurations can be removed if necessary.
Manage Session Border Controllers
Session Border Controllers are added to enable BYOC-P or BYOP-P functionality. Outbound calls from Zoom are routed according to the Route Group to which a Session Border Controller is assigned. Inbound calls received from the Session Border Controllers are routed to users based on the Direct Inward Dial (DID) number or extension numbers of the assigned SIP Group.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Number Management then BYOC Configuration.
- To the right of Session Border Controllers, click Manage.
- Use the following actions:
- View an existing SBC:
- Click the SBC display name to view settings.
Note: To edit the IP address of an SBC, the SBC will have to be deleted and re-added.
- Add an SBC:
- In the top-left corner, click Add to add a Session Border Controller.
- Enter the below settings.
- Click Save.
Settings | Description |
Display Name
A name used to identify the SBC entry.
Description (Optional)
Additional text about the SBC can be entered here.
TLS (Only TLS is supported and cannot be modified).
IP address/Port Number
Enter the IP address and Port number of your SBC. This is where Zoom will send traffic. Ensure that firewall ports are opened to ensure Zoom can communicate with your SBC.
Survivability IP Address (Optional)
This is an optional field and only applicable to customers who may have Zoom Phone Local Survivability enabled.
Enable this toggle to ensure Zoom is allowed to route traffic to the SBC being configured.
Integrate an on-premises PBX (Bring Your Own PBX - Premises) with Zoom
This Zoom Phone setting enables integration with an on-premises PBX system through the configured SBC. When enabled, this option allows extension dialing between Zoom and the on-premises PBX via this SBC connection.
Send OPTIONS ping messages to the SBC to monitor connectivity status
Enabling this option ensures that Zoom sends OPTIONS ping SIP messages to the SBC, which performs health checks on your SBC and automatically re-routes to an alternate SBC within the Route Group when the health check fails.
OPTIONS ping will also be used to display the health status of your SBCs in the Zoom Phone Dashboard.
Include diversion headers in the sip signaling messages for forwarded calls
Enabling this option will ensure that a diversion header is sent when calls are forwarded from Zoom.
Include original calling number within the P-Asserted-Identity (PAI) header for forwarded calls
Enabling this option will ensure that the original calling number is sent in the P-Asserted-Identity (PAI) when calls are forwarded from Zoom.
Use T.38 protocol for faxing
This Zoom Phone setting will ensure that T.38 codec in fax calls can be negotiated. If this option is disabled, any fax calls will only use the G711 passthrough.
Allow REFER support to transfer calls
This Zoom Phone setting will ensure that the Zoom infrastructure accepts SIP REFER messages sent from this SBC. If this option is disabled, SIP REFER messages are rejected. Note: This option doesn't apply to Zoom Phone BYOP-P calls.
Address (Optional)
Enter the country where this SBC is located, which will be used to display the SBC's position on the dashboard's global map.
Email (Optional)/Phone Number (Optional)
Enter these fields to help Zoom administrators provide contact information for this SBC.
Route Group creation
Route Groups will be used to route traffic between Zoom data centers and your SBC. After the SBCs have been created, the next step is to have the Route Groups created. This will provision the SBCs on the Zoom infrastructure and allow for calls to be routed.
Note: Due to the complexity and the variable nature of the configurations, Zoom will not be migrating these configurations over. Customers will be required to create Route Groups to the data center/region of their choice.
Route Group creation may take up to 48 hours to complete.
Manage Route Groups
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Number Management then BYOC Configuration.
- To the right of Route Groups, click Manage.
- Click the Common or Phone tab.
Note: Zoom Phone and Zoom Contact Center customers are requested to use the Common tab for Route Group creation. The Zoom Phone tab will only be used in special cases as follows:
- Building trunks to Zoom Phone India data centers
- Building trunks to Zoom Phone China (Tianjin) data centers
- PCIPal
- Zoom Contact Center customers using PCIPal with BYOC. Please contact Zoom Support.
- Use the following actions:
- Manage an existing Route Group:
- To the right of a Route Group you want to manage, click Edit to make changes.
- Click Save.
- Add a Route Group:
- In the top-left corner, click Add to add a Route Group.
- Enter the below settings as needed.
- Click Save.
Settings | Description |
BYOC-P: This option is used to route BYOC calls from Zoom to your SBC. When the type is set to BYOC-P, both the called and calling party numbers must be in E.164 format.
BYOP-P: This option enables extension-based dialing between Zoom Phone and a premises-based PBX through an SBC. With BYOP-P enabled, a private numbering plan can be utilized. When BYOP-P is activated, only SBCs that have BYOP-P checked on the SBC section in the Zoom web portal can be selected.
This determines the Zoom data centers where the SIP Trunks from your SBCs will be terminated. Select the region that is closest to your SBC for optimal performance.
When more than one SBC is added to the Route Group, outgoing calls from Zoom can be distributed sequentially or load-balanced.
- Sequential: When this option is selected, calls are always routed to the first SBC in the list. If the first SBC in the Route Group doesn't respond to OPTIONS ping from Zoom (if enabled), or if the SBC responds with certain SIP codes, then Zoom will re-route calls to an alternate SBC if one is configured.
- Load Balanced: Calls are load-balanced based on the proportion defined for each SBC. The system load balances calls based on the proportion of an SBC divided by the total number of calls at any given time.
In each of the options above, an alternate SBC is chosen if one of the SBCs responds as follows:
- OPTIONS ping from Zoom to the SBC is not responding.
- SBC responds with any of the following SIP codes: 404, 408, 480, 488, 500, 502, 503, 504.
- SBC does not respond to an INVITE message for 10 seconds.
Backup Route Group
Calls originating from Zoom will use this backup Route Group when any of the following conditions happen:
- The OPTIONS ping from Zoom to all the SBCs in the Route Group is not responding.
- All SBCs in the Route Groups respond with any of the following SIP codes: 404, 408, 480, 488, 500, 502, 503, 504.
- All SBCs in the Route Group do not respond to an INVITE message for 10 seconds.
SIP Group creation
SIP Groups are the reference point that is used to tie the following entities to the Route Groups. Calls originating from/to these entities use the Route Groups assigned to these SIP Groups. SIP Groups also allow for phased migration of these:
- Phone Numbers (Zoom Phone & Zoom Contact Center)
- External Contacts (Zoom Phone)
- Routing Rules (Zoom Phone)
- Custom Call Handling for Emergency Service Numbers (Zoom Phone - limited availability)
- Location Based Routing (Zoom Phone - limited availability)
Customers can create SIP Groups and migrate to these new SIP Groups to take advantage of the Zoom Common Platform.
Manage SIP Groups
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Number Management then BYOC Configuration.
- To the right of SIP Groups, click Manage.
- Select the Common tab.
- In the top-left corner, click Add to add a SIP Group.
- Enter a Display Name that will be used to identify the SIP Group.
- (Optional) Select the Send SIP Group Name in SIP header checkbox if calls need to have a header of X-SIP-GROUP.
- Click the Route Group dropdown and select the appropriate BYOC or BYOP Route Groups that were created in the previous steps.
BYOC or BYOP Route Groups are designated in the dropdown.
- BYOC (also known as BYOC-P) Route Groups are applicable for Zoom Phone and Zoom Contact Center. Calls routed through BYOC-P Route Group must be formatted in E.164 format.
- BYOP (also known as BYOP-P) Route Groups are only applicable to Zoom Phone. Enabling this Route Group allows customers to route extensions between Zoom Phone and on-premises PBX.
- Repeat steps to create multiple SIP Groups as needed.
Assign SIP Groups to phone numbers
SIP Groups can be assigned to phone numbers and other entities within Zoom. When a SIP Group is assigned to a phone number, it modifies the routing configuration for that specific number. Subsequently, when a user or device places an outbound call using this phone number, the call is directed to the SBC configured in the Route Group that has been selected within the SIP Group.
Phone numbers must be assigned to a Common SIP Group to enable both inbound and outbound calling functionality. Without a common SIP Group assignment, phone numbers cannot receive calls from or make calls to the PSTN.
Add new phone numbers
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Number Management then Phone Numbers.
- In the top-left corner, click Add Number then BYOC Number.
A pop-up window will appear. - In the window, complete the following information:
- Product: Select the product where this phone number will be assigned.
Note: Phone numbers can be assigned to either Zoom Phone or Zoom Contact Center but not both. - Site: For customers adding Zoom Phone numbers, a site selection is required. For Zoom Contact Center numbers, this selection is not applicable.
- Country/Region: Select the country of the phone number being added.
- Numbers: Enter the numbers (preferably in E.164 format). Multiple numbers can be separated by commas.
- SIP Group: Select the SIP Group that was created on the Common Platform.
Note: Customers who have Zoom Phone will have multiple SIP Groups shown. Please ensure that only the Common SIP Groups are selected. - Select the checkbox for acknowledgment and click Submit.
Update SIP Groups for existing phone numbers
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Number Management then Phone Numbers.
- Select a BYOC phone number that requires a SIP Group update.
Note: To filter by BYOC phone numbers, to the right of the Source column, click the filter icon
and select BYOC-Premises. - Once the BYOC phone number has been selected, scroll down to the Source section and select the SIP Group.
Learn more about using Number Management.
We strongly recommend migrating a subset of phone numbers and conducting end-to-end testing prior to performing bulk updates across your account.
Bulk-update SIP Groups for existing phone numbers
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Number Management then Phone Numbers.
- Click Import, then click BYOC Numbers.
A pop-up window will appear. - In the window, click the Update BYOC Numbers tab.
- To download a CSV template, click the CSV Sample, and then click Download.
- Enter the required phone numbers and their corresponding SIP Groups into the CSV template.
- After saving the template, click Upload CSV and select the modified file to initiate the bulk update process.
- Keep the window open to monitor the upload progress.
- Customers can export existing phone numbers from their account to create CSV imports.
Zoom Phone customers - SIP Group migration
Zoom Phone customers may need to update additional entities as listed earlier. The following section outlines the steps to update these entities.
External Contacts
Customers who may use external contacts for either BYOC-P or BYOP-P might require the entries to be updated with the correct SIP Zone. Learn more about creating a shared directory of external contacts.
Add Routing Rules
Routing rules consist of administratively defined regular expressions that enable administrators to route digits or digit strings to specific destinations and modify called numbers when necessary.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Company Info.
- Click Account Settings.
- Click the Settings tab.
- Under Routing, to the right of the Routing Rules setting, click Manage.
- In the top-left corner, click Add Routing Rule and select from the following settings.
- To modify existing Routing Rules, select Edit and update the SIP Group to match the one created on the Common platform.
Settings | Description |
Select if the routing rule will apply to all users on the account or only to a subset of users on a site. Site-level rules take precedence over account-level rules.
Identifies the sequence in which routing rules are evaluated for matching. Rules are processed in ascending order based on their priority values.
Rule Name
A descriptive name to identify the purpose of the routing rule.
Number Pattern
The regular expression number pattern that will be “matched” when the user dials a number. Administrators can also use the “test” functionality to test if a potential call will match the routing rule.
Translation (Optional)
When necessary, administrators may translate called numbers before the call is sent to the routing path. Administrators can also use the “test” functionality to test if a potential call will match the routing rule.
Routing Path
PSTN: When this option is selected, the call routes out the SIP Group that is assigned to the phone number of the user who is making the call.
SIP Group: Administrators can specify whether calls are routed through a SIP Group that has a BYOC-P or BYOP-P Route group assigned. For calls that require routing in E.164 format, a SIP Group with a BYOC-P Route group must be selected. Selecting the BYOC-P Route Group enables customers to route calls through an SBC that may differ from the one assigned to phone numbers within their SIP Group.
Other Sites: This option is selected when calls must be routed to other extensions within your Zoom account.
Call Forwarding
This option allows routing rules to be applied to calls forwarded from a Zoom app or using Call Handling settings.
Custom Call Handling for Emergency Service Numbers
Zoom Phone customers who have configured custom call handling for emergency services numbers will need their SIP Groups updated for calls to route correctly.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Phone System Management then Company Info.
- Click the site that requires the SIP group to be updated
- Click the Emergency Services tab.
- Under Emergency Service Routing, locate the Custom Call Handling for Emergency Service Numbers to update the required SIP Groups.
Location Based Routing
Location-based routing will be deprecated. Please contact Zoom Support for additional options.
Remove legacy configuration
Following the migration to Common Platform/Number Management, Zoom strongly recommends removing legacy configuration to prevent potential service disruptions. Additionally, this removal will help expedite Zoom's troubleshooting assistance.
To remove legacy configuration, the entities should be deleted in the following order:
- SIP Group
- Route Group
- Session Border Controller (optional)
Before starting the removal process, ensure that all extensions listed here have been disassociated.
Delete the configuration (Zoom Phone)
Delete SIP Groups
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an admin with the privilege to edit account settings.
- In the navigation menu, click Number Management then BYOC Configuration.
- To the right of SIP Groups, click Manage.
- Click the Zoom Phone tab.
- To the right of the SIP Groups that need to be deleted, click Delete.
Note: Deletion will only be successful if the selected SIP Group is not currently in use.
Delete Route Groups
- After deleting the SIP Groups, in the navigation menu, click Number Management then BYOC Configuration.
- To the right of Route Groups, click Manage.
- Click the Zoom Phone tab.
- To the right of the Route Groups that need to be deleted, click Delete.
Note: The Delete button may be greyed out for Route Groups that may have a SIP Group assigned to it.
Delete SBCs
These optional instructions apply to customers who have established new Session Border Controllers during the migration process and wish to remove Session Border Controllers that are no longer needed.
- After deleting the Route Groups, in the navigation menu, click Number Management then BYOC Configuration.
- To the right of Session Border Controllers, click Manage.
- Click the Zoom Phone tab.
- To the right of the Session Border Controller you want to delete, click the ellipsis
and click Delete.
Note: Customers who have the following configurations may not be able to perform deletion. Please contact Zoom Support to delete these legacy configurations:
- Customers using Cloud Peering/Provider Exchange partners.
- Customers using Zoom's master/sub accounts.
- Customers who may have built Route Groups prior to BYOC automation being available.
Delete the configuration (Zoom Contact Center)
To remove legacy configurations, Zoom Contact Center customers must contact Zoom Support.
Planning the deployment of BYOC-P/BYOP-P is crucial for a successful implementation. Learn more from the following resources: