Assigning Revenue Accelerator roles and licenses in Okta
Account owners and admins can configure and manage role-based access control in Zoom Revenue Accelerator through System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) integration with their identity provider. The system supports real-time role mapping and automatic updates when user attributes change in the identity provider. Admins can define role assignment rules that automatically apply when users are provisioned or modified. This automated approach ensures accurate role assignments and reduces security risks associated with manual role management.
This feature enhances the existing single sign-on (SSO) integration with Okta by enabling organizations to efficiently assign both standard and custom roles to users directly through their identity provider. This update reduces manual user management, streamlines onboarding, and ensures improved security and compliance. Admins can assign both standard and custom Zoom Revenue Accelerator (ZRA) roles through Okta’s role provisioning interface. Changes made to roles in Okta are synchronized to ZRA in near-real-time, ensuring up-to-date access controls.
Note: It is recommended that when using ZRA role assignment via your IdP, you do not manually change ZRA roles directly in Zoom to maintain consistency.
This also includes comprehensive logging of all provisioning actions, including role assignments, changes, and de-provisioning. Okta admins can assign roles, ensure real-time synchronization, and maintain organizational structure. ZRA admins can access detailed audit trails for compliance and receive failure notifications for troubleshooting.
How to add Revenue Accelerator role and license attributes
You can add Revenue Accelerator role and license attributes in the following ways.
How to enable provisioning settings
Sign in to the Okta console.
In the Okta console's left navigation menu, click Applications then click Applications.
Under STATUS, click ACTIVE.
Click the Zoom application. Note: The application name is defined by the Okta admin. This application will not always be called Zoom, as the customer will define the name when they create the application. Most of the time it will be named Zoom, but note that this could appear differently.
Click the Provisioning tab.
Under Provisioning to App, click Edit, then enable the following checkboxes:
Create Users: Creates or links a user in Zoom when assigning the app to a user in Okta.
Update User Attributes: Updates a user's attributes in Zoom when the app is assigned. Future attribute changes made to the Okta user profile will automatically overwrite the corresponding attribute value in Zoom.
Deactivate Users: Deactivates a user's Zoom account when it is unassigned in Okta or their Okta account is deactivated. Accounts can be reactivated if the app is reassigned to a user in Okta.
Click Save.
How to map the role and license attributes in the Zoom User Application Profile
In the Okta console's left navigation menu, click Applications then click Applications.
Under STATUS, click ACTIVE.
Click the Zoom application. Note: The application name is defined by the Okta admin. This application will not always be called Zoom, as the customer will define the name when they create the application. Most of the time it will be named Zoom, but note that this could appear differently.
Click the Provisioning tab.
Under Zoom Attribute Mappings, to the right of the zoomRevenueAcceleratorRole attribute, click the edit icon. If this is not showing, click Show Unmapped Attributes. A pop-up window will appear.
In the window, click the Attribute value dropdown and select Map from Okta Profile.
Click the login | string dropdown menu and select zoomRevenueAcceleratorRole | string to map to the attribute.
In the Okta console's left navigation menu, click Applications then click Applications.
Under STATUS, click ACTIVE.
Click the Zoom application. Note: The application name is defined by the Okta admin. This application will not always be called Zoom, as the customer will define the name when they create the application. Most of the time it will be named Zoom, but note that this could appear differently.
Click the Provisioning tab.
Under Zoom Attribute Mappings, to the right of the zoomRevenueAccelerator attribute, click the edit icon. If this is not showing, click Show Unmapped Attributes. A pop-up window will appear.
In the window, click the Attribute value dropdown and select Map from Okta Profile.
Click the login | string dropdown menu and select zoomRevenueAccelerator | boolean to map to the attribute.
Select Create and update.
Click Save.
How to assign the custom ZRA role with Zoom user attributes
In the Okta console's left navigation menu, click Directory then click People.
Click the name of the person you want to manage.
Click the Profile tab.
In the top-right corner, click Edit.
To the right of zoomRevenueAcceleratorRole, copy the name of the standard or custom Revenue Accelerator role that was added to role management from the Zoom web portal. Note: In the future, you can change the role to another custom role, and the user will automatically be mapped to the new role in the Zoom web portal.
To the right of zoomRevenueAccelerator, click the dropdown menu and select true.
Click Save.
After completing these steps, return to the Zoom web portal to view the standard or custom Revenue Accelerator role added in role management. The configured user will automatically appear in that standard or custom role as a Role Member.
How to assign the ZRA standard or custom role via groups
In the top-right corner of the page, click Assign application. A pop-up window will appear.
In the window, to the right of the Zoom application, click Assign. Note: The application name is defined by the Okta admin. This application will not always be called Zoom, as the customer will define the name when they create the application. Most of the time it will be named Zoom, but note that this could appear differently.
In the window, configure the following information:
zoomRevenueAcceleratorRole: Copy the name of the standard or custom Revenue Accelerator role that was added to role management from the Zoom web portal, then paste the name into this field. Note: In the future, you can change the role to another custom role, and the user will automatically be mapped to the new role in the Zoom web portal.
zoomRevenueAccelerator: Click the dropdown menu and select true.
Click Save and Go Back.
Click Done.
After adding the Zoom application to a group, it will appear on the group's Applications tab.
At the top of the page, search for users by first name, primary email address, or username.
To the right of the users you want to add, click the add button . The users will be assigned to the group.
Click Done. The users will appear in the group's People tab.
After adding users to a group, return to the Zoom web portal to view the standard or custom Revenue Accelerator role added in role management. The added group users will automatically appear in the custom role in the Role Member tab.
The users in this group will automatically be assigned the custom ZRA role that was assigned to this group.
You can add more users to this group, which will automatically assign them the custom ZRA role.
Prioritize groups in the Okta application
Groups are prioritized by numerical ranking in Okta. If you add a user to multiple groups that are mapped to a standard or custom Revenue Accelerator roles in role management, the prioritized group (highest ranking) will determine which custom role the user is added to on the Zoom web portal. You can change the order of the groups to place users in the group's mapped custom ZRA roles that you want.
Sign in to the Okta console.
In the Okta console's left navigation menu, click Applications then click Applications.
Under STATUS, click ACTIVE.
Click the Zoom application. Note: The application name is defined by the Okta admin. This application will not always be called Zoom, as the customer will define the name when they create the application. Most of the time it will be named Zoom, but note that this could appear differently.
Click the Assignments tab.
Under Filters, click Groups.
Drag and drop the groups in the order that you want. The group users will appear in the group's mapped standard or custom Revenue Accelerator roles in role management as role members, according to the prioritized group placement in Okta.