Assigning Revenue Accelerator roles in Entra ID

Account owners and admins can configure and manage role-based access control in Zoom Revenue Accelerator through System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) integration with their identity provider. The system supports real-time role mapping and automatic updates when user attributes change in the identity provider. Admins can define role assignment rules that automatically apply when users are provisioned or modified. This automated approach ensures accurate role assignments and reduces security risks associated with manual role management.

This feature enhances the existing single sign-on (SSO) integration with Microsoft Entra ID by enabling organizations to efficiently assign both standard and custom roles to users directly through their identity provider. This update reduces manual user management, streamlines onboarding, and ensures improved security and compliance. Admins can assign both standard and custom Zoom Revenue Accelerator (ZRA) roles through Entra ID's role provisioning interface. Changes made to roles in Entra ID are synchronized to ZRA in near-real-time, ensuring up-to-date access controls.

Note: It is recommended that when using ZRA role assignment via your IdP, you do not manually change ZRA roles directly in Zoom to maintain consistency.

This also includes comprehensive logging of all provisioning actions, including role assignments, changes, and de-provisioning. Entra ID admins can assign roles, ensure near real-time synchronization, and maintain organizational structure. ZRA admins can access detailed audit trails for compliance and receive failure notifications for troubleshooting.

Learn more about assigning Revenue Accelerator roles and licenses in Okta and setting up advanced SAML mapping on the Zoom web portal.

Requirements for assigning Revenue Accelerator roles in Entra ID

Note: Learn more about the SAML/SCIM requirements.

Limitations for assigning Revenue Accelerator roles and licenses in Entra ID

Assigning Revenue Accelerator roles and licenses in Entra ID has the following limitations:

Table of Contents

How to access the Zoom SSO application in Entra ID

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Under Azure services, access Microsoft Entra ID.
  3. In the left navigation menu, under Manage, click Enterprise applications.
    You will be directed to the All applications tab.
  4. In the list of applications, click the Zoom SSO application.
    Note: This is where provisioning is enabled.
    You will be directed to the Zoom SSO Overview page.

How to add new attributes and attribute mapping in the Zoom SSO application

Note: If you are using Entra ID, you will not necessarily see the provisioning options for the attribute mapping. You must enable the Microsoft schema editor which can be done through this link.

Add custom attributes for Zoom

Add an attribute for the Zoom Revenue Accelerator license

  1. Access the Zoom SSO application in Entra ID.
  2. In the left navigation menu, under Manage, click Provisioning.
  3. Under Manage provisioning, click Edit attribute mappings.
  4. Click the Mappings dropdown, then click Provision Azure Active Directory Users.
  5. In the bottom-left corner, select the Show advanced options checkbox.
  6. Click Edit attribute list for Zoom.
    You will be directed to the SCIM ZoomUser Attribute editor.
  7. Add the Zoom User attribute for the Zoom Revenue Accelerator (ZRA) license:
    1. Under the Name column, enter urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:zoom:1.0:User:zoomRevenueAccelerator
    2. Under the Type column, click the dropdown menu and select Boolean.
      Note: You can also select String. This will depend on which field you will map to this attribute. If you use string, then you have to send either true or false as the value (the same as what Boolean would do).
  8. In the top-left corner, click Save.

Add an attribute for the Zoom Revenue Accelerator role

  1. Access the Zoom SSO application in Entra ID.
  2. In the left navigation menu, under Manage, click Provisioning.
  3. Under Manage provisioning, click Edit attribute mappings.
  4. Click the Mappings dropdown, then click Provision Azure Active Directory Users.
  5. In the bottom-left corner, select the Show advanced options checkbox.
  6. Click Edit attribute list for Zoom.
    You will be directed to the SCIM ZoomUser Attribute editor.
  7. Add the ZoomUser attribute for the Zoom Revenue Accelerator (ZRA) role:
    1. Under the Name column, enter urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:zoom:1.0:User:zoomRevenueAcceleratorRole
    2. Under the Type column, click the dropdown menu and select String.
  8. In the top-left corner, click Save.

Add an attribute mapping

After you add custom attributes for Zoom, you can map those attributes.

Add a mapping for the Zoom Revenue Accelerator license

  1. Access the Zoom SSO application in Entra ID.
  2. In the left navigation menu, under Manage, click Provisioning.
  3. Under Manage provisioning, click Edit attribute mappings.
  4. Click the Mappings dropdown, then click Provision Azure Active Directory Users.
  5. In the bottom-left corner, click Add New Mapping, then edit the attribute:
    1. Click the Mapping type dropdown and select Direct.
    2. Click the Source attribute dropdown and select the "source" attribute as your ZRA license.
      Note: The “source” attribute is a field on the User object that will be used to specify that this user should have a ZRA license. For example, extensionAttribute1 with a value of “true”. 
    3. (Optional) Under Default value if null (optional), enter a default value.
    4. Click the Target attribute dropdown and select the attribute, urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:zoom:1.0:User:zoomRevenueAccelerator, mapping for the ZRA license that you created.
    5. Click the Match objects using this attribute dropdown and select No.
    6. Click the Apply this mapping dropdown and select Always.
  6. In the bottom-left corner, click OK.

Add a mapping for the Zoom Revenue Accelerator role

  1. Access the Zoom SSO application in Entra ID.
  2. In the left navigation menu, under Manage, click Provisioning.
  3. Under Manage provisioning, click Edit attribute mappings.
  4. Click the Mappings dropdown, then click Provision Azure Active Directory Users.
  5. In the bottom-left corner, click Add New Mapping, then edit the attribute:
    1. Click the Mapping type dropdown and select Direct.
    2. Click the Source attribute dropdown and select the “source” attribute as your ZRA role.
      Note: The “source” attribute is a field on the User object that will be used to specify that this user should have a ZRA role. For example, extensionAttribute2 with a value of “Custom Role 1”.
    3. (Optional) Under Default value if null (optional), enter a default value.
    4. Click the Target attribute dropdown and select the attribute, urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:zoom:1.0:User:zoomRevenueAcceleratorRole, mapping for the ZRA role that you created.
    5. Click the Match objects using this attribute dropdown and select No.
    6. Click the Apply this mapping dropdown and select Always.
  6. In the bottom-left corner, click OK.

Save the Attribute Mapping list

  1. Add attribute mappings for the Zoom Revenue Accelerator license and role.
  2. In the top-left corner of the Attribute Mapping page, click Save.

How to set up and provision a license and standard or custom role for users

After you add new attributes and attribute mappings, you can set up and provision a license and custom role for users. Additionally, you can change a user's role by editing the mapped field for the ZRA role in Entra ID. Entra ID SCIM provisioning can take up to 40 minutes as Entra ID only runs SCIM every 40 minutes.

Set up licenses and standard or custom role for a user

  1. Ensure that the user is part of the Zoom SSO application for SCIM provisioning. Please review the following instructions on configuring Zoom with Azure.
  2. Set the “source” attribute on the user to the required value:

The user will appear in the Zoom web portal under the standard or custom Revenue Accelerator role. They will also be assigned a Zoom Revenue Accelerator license (this can be viewed in the Users tab).