Best practices for managing Zoom Events VOD content

The Zoom Events and Zoom Sessions video content management system (CMS) is structured to give you greater control to manage, distribute, and measure your video on-demand (VOD) assets. This guide is supplementary to this support article and will focus on specific uses.

The Basic video CMS license is included with any Zoom Events Unlimited (SaaS) plan at no cost. Hub owners can purchase the Advanced video CMS license for advanced features and additional viewer credits. Learn more about the basic and advanced video CMS licenses and viewer credits.

Requirements for managing VOD assets in Zoom Events

Note: An advanced VOD license is required to access advanced features.

Table of Contents

How to access the hub Video management

  1. Sign in to Zoom Events.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click the top dropdown arrow  and select the hub you want to manage.
  3. In the left navigation menu, click Video management.
    The following options will appear below:

To view published channels, click Channels, then Published/Active tab. To view drafted channels (unpublished), click the Draft tab.

Note: For first-time users, the types of videos will be displayed directly for users to start with.

How to manage your recording and video content

Access recording and video content

The basic license only supports event recordings. Only users of the advanced tier can upload their videos. Both event recordings and uploaded videos are automatically saved in the Recordings and videos section under Video Management. To access your hub’s recording and video content:

  1. Access the hub Video management.
  2. Under Video management, click Recordings and videos.
    A list of all your videos and recordings will appear.
Filter video list

Hosts can filter their videos on the Recordings and videos page using these steps:

  1. Access Recordings and videos.
  2. In the Search by video or speaker field, enter a keyword to filter the content list.
  3. To the right of the Search by video or speaker field, select the dropdown to filter the list by type:
    • All type
    • Event recording
    • Uploaded video
  4. To the left of Advanced filter, select the dropdown to filter the list by the last modified date or to arrange content alphabetically:
    • Last modified
    • A to Z
    • Z to A 
  5. Click the Advanced filter to filter the list by creation date or video length.

The list contains several columns. To hide one or more columns, click Columns  on the right side of the page.

Organize content

Hub owners can create folders in Recordings and videos. Moving a recording into, or out of a folder does not impact its presence in video channels. To create a folder:

  1. Access Recordings and videos.
  2. On the right side of the page, next to Upload video, click the 3 dots .
  3. Select Create folder.
    A small window will appear.
  4. Under Name, enter the folder’s name.
  5. Click Create.
  6. (Optional) To change an existing folder’s name: 
    1. Under Columns , click the 3 dots  next to the folder you want to rename.

    2. Click Rename.
      A small window will appear.

    3. Under Name, enter the folder’s new name.

    4. Click Save.
  7. (Optional) To delete a folder: 
    1. Under Columns , click the 3 dots  for the folder you want to delete. 
    2. Click Delete, then Delete to confirm.
  8. (Optional) To add videos into a folder: 
    1. Select the checkbox next to the thumbnail of the video(s) you want to add.
    2. Under the Search by video or speaker field, click Move to.
      A new window will appear.
    3. Under Folder name, select the folder you want to move the video to.
    4. (Optional) In the Search by recording/event name field, enter a keyword to filter the folder list.
    5. (Optional) To the right of the Search by recording/event name field, select the dropdown to filter the list by when the folder was added or to arrange it alphabetically:
      • Recently added
      • A to Z
      • Z to A
    6. Click Move.

Edit metadata

Metadata is the information your viewers see about a recording. Recordings inherit metadata from events, including Title, Thumbnail (Session thumbnail), Description, Speakers, and photo. Most metadata can be edited, except for the speaker details. Uploaded videos have the same metadata as recordings, which you can fully modify. To edit a recording or video's metadata:

  1. Access Recordings and videos.
  2. Under Columns , click the pen icon  next to the recording or video to edit its metadata.
    The Edit metadata side panel will appear to the right.
  3. Under Thumbnail, you can choose an existing image as the video’s thumbnail or click the plus icon  to select an image from your content library.
  4. Under Title, enter your preferred title for the recording or video.
  5. Under Description, enter your desired description for the recording or video.
  6. (Optional) In the bottom-left corner of the side panel, click Edit more recording details to access the source file in the Zoom web portal.
    This will open the video or recording source file in the Zoom web portal, where you can rename, share, or delete the file itself.

    Note: Renaming the file in the web portal won’t affect the recording’s metadata in Video management. However, deleting the source file will make it disappear from the recordings list and makes it unplayable in your Zoom Events playlists and channels.
  7. Click Save.

Note: The latest metadata edit will replace previous ones, and once saved, previous edits cannot be recovered. Changes are automatically saved in the recording library and apply wherever the recording is stored.

Trim videos
  1. Access Recordings and videos.
  2. Under Columns , click the 3 dots  next to the recording or video you want to trim.
  3. Click Trim video.
    A new browser tab will open, giving you options to trim the selected video or recording. Learn how to trim recordings.

Note: Trimmed recordings will replace the original in Recordings and videos.

Publish videos

Publishing makes the recording or video available in the associated event’s lobby for attendees to watch. To publish a recording or video:

  1. Access Recordings and videos.
  2. Under Publish to event lobby, select the toggle  next to the recording or video you want to publish.

Once a recording is published to a channel, the associated channels will appear in the Channel presence column of the recording list.

Add a recording or video to an existing channel

To add the recording or video to an existing channel:

  1. Access Recordings and videos.
  2. To the left of the video’s thumbnail, select the checkbox.
  3. Under the Search by video or speaker field, click Add to channel.
    A small window showing a list of available video channels will appear.
  4. (Optional) In the Search field, enter a keyword to filter the list.
  5. (Optional) Next to the Search field, select the dropdown to filter the list by the last modified date or to arrange the list alphabetically:
    • Last modified
    • A to Z
    • Z to A
  6. Select your preferred channel.
  7. Click Save.
    At the top of the page, a prompt will appear containing the channel link.

Add a recording or video to a new channel

This option creates a new channel with the selected recording. By default, the channel will require registration (an irreversible choice), be published immediately after confirmation, and be included in your content hub. You can keep or adjust the default settings. To add the recording or video to a new channel:

  1. Access Recordings and videos.
  2. To the left of the video’s thumbnail, select the checkbox.
  3. Under the Search by video or speaker field, click Add to channel.
    A small window showing a list of available video channels will appear.
  4. In the bottom-left corner of the window, click Add to a new channel.
    A small window will appear allowing you to create a new channel.
    Note: Basic tier users might receive an error if they already have 4 channels.
  5. Under Channel name, enter your preferred name for the channel.
  6. (Optional) Under Description, enter your desired description for the channel.
  7. (Optional) The following options are enabled by default, but you can disable them if needed:
    • Require registration: attendee register once to access all content: If enabled, the channel will require attendee registration.
      Note: The registration setting cannot be changed once the channel is saved.
    • Publish this on demand channel: If enabled, the channel will be added to the Published/Active tab under Channels after confirmation.
    • Make this channel visible on the hub: If enabled, the channel will be visible to attendees on the hub profile page.
  8. Click Save.
    At the top of the page, a prompt will appear containing the channel link.

How to manage your Playlists

A playlist lets you add a set of up to 60 recordings to different channels. It must be included in a video channel to be visible to viewers and can be added to multiple channels. You can create multiple playlists in Video Management.

Note: The basic tier supports one playlist per channel, while the advanced tier can support up to 10. Learn more about the features supported by basic and advanced Video CMS licenses.

Access Playlists

  1. Access the hub Video management.
  2. Under Video management, click Playlists.
    All your playlists will be shown in a grid view, displaying the name, creation date, and number of included recordings for each.
Create playlist
  1. Access Playlists.
  2. In the top-right corner, click Create.
    A small window will appear.
    Note: For first-time users, Create will be at the center of the screen.
  3. Under Name, enter the preferred name for the playlist.
  4. Click Save.
    A new window will appear asking you to add a video.
  5. (Optional) In the search field, enter a keyword to filter the list.
  6. (Optional) Next to the search field, select the dropdown to filter the list by when the video was added or to arrange it alphabetically:
    1. Recently added
    2. A to Z
    3. Z to A
  7. Select the checkbox next to the thumbnail of the video you want to add.
  8. Click Add.
    A prompt at the top of the page will show how many videos have been successfully added.
Add playlist to channel
  1. Access Playlists.
  2. Click the 3 dots  on the thumbnail of the playlist you want to add.
  3. Select Add to channel.
    A small window showing a list of available video channels will appear.
  4. (Optional) In the Search field, enter a keyword to filter the list.
  5. (Optional) Next to the Search field, select the dropdown to filter the list by the last modified date or to arrange the list alphabetically:
    • Recently modified
    • A to Z
    • Z to A
  6. Select your preferred channel.
  7. Click Save.
    At the top of the page, a prompt will appear containing the channel link.
Rename playlist
  1. Access Playlists.
  2. Click the 3 dots  on the thumbnail of the playlist you want to rename.
  3. Select Rename.
    A small window will appear.
  4. Under Name, enter the new name for the selected playlist.
  5. Click Save.
Delete playlist
  1. Access Playlists.
  2. Click the 3 dots  on the thumbnail of the playlist you want to delete.
  3. Select Delete.
    A small confirmation window will appear.
  4. Click Ok to confirm.

How to manage your video Channels

Each video channel is a set of recordings on a web page. Learn more about the video channel features in the basic and advanced tiers.

Access Channels

  1. Access the hub Video management.
  2. Under Video management, click Channels.
    A list of all your channels will appear.
Add channel to Zoom Events page

Display all channel videos on a standalone page or include them in your content hub. This option publishes recordings on a Zoom-hosted webpage with a URL of, and you can customize the URL using the branded domain feature.

  1. Access Channels.
  2. In the top-right corner, click Create.
    A new page will appear.
  3. Under Add channel to Zoom events page, select Get started.
    You will be directed to the event setup page.
  4. In the Channel detail section of the event setup page, adjust the following settings:
    1. Channel name: Enter the name of the channel that will be displayed on the channel page and the on demand channel list view in your hub.
    2. Description: Enter the introduction for your on-demand channel. It will be displayed on the channel page.
    3. Masthead: The masthead will appear on top of the on demand channel page. Supported file formats are JPG and PNG, up to 10MB. Recommended dimensions are 1920x1080 pixels. To change the masthead image, hover your mouse over the masthead thumbnail, then click Change image.
    4. Manage categories: Allow you to classify your videos and help attendees filter videos listed on your content hub page. You can add up to 20 categories maximum. To change categories, click the Select one or multiple categories dropdown.
    5. Click Save.
  5. In the Content section of the event setup page, add or manage playlists or videos in the channel.
  6. In the Configuration section of the event setup page, adjust the following settings:
    • Video access:
      • Require registration: attendee register once to access all content: Enable to require attendee registration for the selected channel.
        Note: The registration setting cannot be changed once the channel is saved.
      • Authentication: restrict content access to qualified users: Click the dropdown to choose your preferred authentication method, which restricts channel access.
      • Geo-blocking: Click the pencil icon  to select the countries or regions from where users won't be allowed to register for this channel.
    • Features on video playback:
      • Autoplay the video when the user opens the page: Enable to automatically play the video when an attendee visits the page.
      • Closed caption: Enable closed captions.
      • Audio transcription: Enable audio transcription.
      • Video download: Allow attendees to download videos.
      • Enable Emoji: Allow attendees to like the video. Recognised users can like once.
        Note: Only available to advanced tier users.
  7. In the Survey section of the event setup page, create an end-of-video survey that appears after playback. All viewers will be invited to take the survey, but those who complete it won’t receive further invitations for other recordings in the channel.
  8. In the Integrations section of the event setup page, configure Marketing tools to send registration information to Pardot. Integrations other than Pardot are coming soon.
  9. In the top-right corner of the page, select Publish channel to create a webpage hosting your chosen recordings and settings. You can choose whether to include the recordings in your content hub. Once reviewed, click Publish.

Note: Advanced tier users have more options for configuring their channels, such as allowing viewers to Like videos using emojis.

Embed videos on your website

Show your channel on another website.

  1. Access Channels.
  2. In the top-right corner, click Create.
    A new page will appear.
  3. Under Embed videos on your website, select Get started.
    You will be directed to the event setup page.
  4. In the Channel detail section of the event setup page, adjust the following settings:
    1. Channel name: Enter the name of the channel that will be displayed on the channel page and the on demand channel list view in your hub.
    2. Description: Enter the introduction for your on-demand channel. It will be displayed on the channel page.
    3. Thumbnail: To change the thumbnail image, hover your mouse over the thumbnail, then click Change image. Supported file formats are JPG and PNG, up to 10MB. Recommended dimensions are 1920x1080 pixels.
    4. Click Save.
  5. In the Content section of the event setup page, add or manage playlists or videos in the channel.
  6. Once you’ve added recordings or videos to the channel, in the top-right corner of the page, click </> Style and script to access the following embed solutions:
    • Embed to verified websites (secured embed): This provides a script to embed the channel on an approved website. Your account must have the target site approved by Zoom’s security team in advance, with instructions for the account admin to follow.
    • Embed Anywhere: This provides a script to embed the channel on any website. You can adjust the style and size of the embedded channel, and the script updates automatically when changes are made.
  7. In the Configuration section of the event setup page, adjust the following settings:
    • Video access:
      • Require registration: attendee register once to access all content: Enable to require attendee registration for the selected channel.
        Note: The registration setting cannot be changed once the channel is saved.
      • Privacy Policy link: Enter your organization's Privacy Policy link, then click Add to display it before viewers can access the videos in the channel.
      • Geo-blocking: Click the pencil icon  to select the countries or regions from where users won't be allowed to register for this channel.
    • Features on video playback:
      • Closed caption: Enable closed captions.
      • Audio transcription: Enable audio transcription.
      • Video download: Allow attendees to download videos.
  8. In the Survey section of the event setup page, create an end-of-video survey that appears after playback. All viewers will be invited to take the survey, but those who complete it won’t receive further invitations for other recordings in the channel.
  9. In the Analytics section of the event setup page, access metrics including registrations, views, watch time (total, by video, and by viewer), survey results, and interactions.
  10. In the Integrations section of the event setup page, both basic and advanced tier users can configure Pardot to manage registrants and viewers.
  11. In the top right corner of the page, click the </> Style and script option to configure and review the type of embed solution you prefer.
    Note: The </> Style and script option will only appear once you’ve added at least one recording or video in the channel.
Feature one video on a web page

Embed a single video from the channel.

  1. Access Channels.
  2. In the top-right corner, click Create.
    A new page will appear.
  3. Under Feature one video on a web page, select Get started.
    You will be directed to the event setup page.
  4. In the Channel detail section of the event setup page, adjust the following settings:
    1. Channel name: Enter the name of the channel that will be displayed on the channel page and the on demand channel list view in your hub.
    2. Description: Enter the introduction for your on-demand channel. It will be displayed on the channel page.
    3. Thumbnail: To change the thumbnail image, hover your mouse over the thumbnail, then click Change image. Supported file formats are JPG and PNG, up to 10MB. Recommended dimensions are 1920x1080 pixels.
    4. Video: Add an existing video from the recordings library. To add a video, click Add video, then choose the recording or video you prefer.
    5. Click Save.
  5. Once you’ve added recordings or videos to the channel, in the top-right corner of the page, click </> Style and script to access the following embed solutions:
    • Embed to verified websites (secured embed): This provides a script to embed the channel on an approved website. Your account must have the target site approved by Zoom’s security team in advance, with instructions for the account admin to follow.
    • Embed Anywhere: This provides a script to embed the channel on any website. You can adjust the style and size of the embedded channel, and the script updates automatically when changes are made.
  6. In the Configuration section of the event setup page, adjust the following settings:
    • Video access:
      • Require registration: attendee register once to access all content: Enable to require attendee registration for the selected channel.
        Note: The registration setting cannot be changed once the channel is saved.
      • Privacy Policy link: Enter your organization's Privacy Policy link, then click Add to display it before viewers can access the videos in the channel.
      • Geo-blocking: Click the pencil icon  to select the countries or regions from where users won't be allowed to register for this channel.
    • Features on video playback:
      • Closed caption: Enable closed captions.
      • Audio transcription: Enable audio transcription.
      • Video download: Allow attendees to download videos.
  7. In the Survey section of the event setup page, create an end-of-video survey that appears after playback. All viewers will be invited to take the survey, but those who complete it won’t receive further invitations for other recordings in the channel.
  8. In the Analytics section of the event setup page, access metrics including registrations, views, watch time (total, by video, and by viewer), survey results, and interactions.
  9. In the Integrations section of the event setup page, both basic and advanced tier users can configure Pardot to manage registrants and viewers.
  10. In the top right corner of the page, click the </> Style and script option to configure and review the type of embed solution you prefer.
    Note: The </> Style and script option will only appear once you’ve added at least one recording or video in the channel.