Zoom Contact Center uses a standard naming convention whenever it generates files.
Any generated file has a name that includes its timestamp, its unique ID, and its type of recording, transcript, or inbox mail.
[GMT][Year][Month][Day]-[Hour][Minute][Second]_[Unique ID]_[Data type].[File extension]
For example, the file "GMT20221115-181507_88v27Vl8TzyusVnY6y2uHw_VideoRecording.mp3" has the following information:
Timestamp: GMT20221115-181507
Unique ID: 88v27Vl8TzyusVnY6y2uHw
Data type: VideoRecording
The timestamp [GMT][Year][Month][Day]-[Hour][Minute][Second] uses the format GMTYYYYMMDD-HHMMSS. To keep the file name short and avoid problems with character limits, date and time are separated by a dash but no additional punctuation separates the numbers.
[GMT]: All files are in GMT (UTC) and use the same format globally, not relying on individual user’s profile setting.
[Year][Month][Day]: This is the date at the start of the recording. Its format is YYYYMMDD.
[Hour][Minute][Second]: This is the time at the start of the recording. Its format is HHMMSS using a 24-hour clock.
The [Unique ID] depends on whether the file is for a recording, a transcript, or an inbox mail:
Use Recording ID for a voice/video engagement recording or call transcript.
Use zcb_[Recording ID]_[Clip ID] for a Cobrowse chat recording.
Use Engagement ID for a messaging transcript (includes email).
Use Voicemail for an inbox voice mail.
The [Data type] depends on the file type:
VideoRecording: Video Engagement call recording (video)
VoiceRecording: Voice Engagement call recording (audio)
VoiceCobrowseRecording: Voice Cobrowse call recording (audio)
CobrowseRecording: Cobrowse chat recording
CallTranscript: Recording transcript
MessagingTranscript: Zoom Contact Center, Zoom Virtual Agent, social chat, in-video chat, SMS transcript, or email